Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Problems With Wenatchee CSO Request

I'm having some problems with very simple requests. In fact, I'm flat-out being refused normal service by state workers who are trying to actively hide things from me today.

I was told if I applied for General Assistance, a letter which was dubious or questionable, would not be added to the electronic file. I specifically said I wanted it back or was not taking benefits and instead, she said she'd hold onto it while I checked with the doctor about the construction of language, which would affect my custody case and the way other matters are handled.

I tried to talk to someone about it last Friday, and asked that a letter be filed and benefits on "hold" until the 3rd (today) so I could talk to someone about my case and how it might affect my unemployment claim and custody case.

So someone said they were doing nothing and I was upset. Then I went in today, and I specifically asked to talk to someone about my case and it was "Don" again, who is nice enough but they are all, always trying to push me out of getting anything taken care of.

So I saw him again today and asked him to pull up the list of documents added to my file. He said he didn't know how and I said that was strange because he did it on friday without a problem. Knew where to go right away. So I was pointing out to him where to go and I was only there a total of less than 10 minutes, and there was a clock there which I kept track of.

So here I was, and he got to the screen with a list of documents. I said, "Could you print that out for me please?" and he said he wouldn't. He said he didn't have time and I said, "The previous page said it is 3 pages long total and all you have to do is hit 'print'--I don't think it will take any time at all. It's 3 pages." And he said he would at first but then said I had to make a public records request after I said I wanted to look at something in particular. So he refused and I said okay then, could he please go back to the list because I wanted to see one of the documents which title I found listed. He said he wouldn't. I said, "You're not going to go back to the screen so I can see what's in my own case file?" and he said no, he didn't have time.

I asked to speak with his supervisor, whom he said was John and John is alternately trying to push me and then not have me take benefits, depending on the situation. So then I wondered who the next one was and I was told it was Tim and Tim was saying he didn't have time. So I asked to speak to his supervisor and Don told me HIS direct supervisor was Donna Titleman.

So then he said Tim's supervisor was Debbie Schoeman.

He told me I could speak to a regular financial aid worker and I said okay I would. So then I applied to speak to someone in private and they refused. I was told, by Mary Pollock (she wrote her name down, she said, because I said she didn't have her ID badge on and I didn't know who she was), that I couldn't talk to anyone, then she was conferencing with Martha Emmerton (so she said) and they tried to tell me I couldn't talk to anyone. I was handed a public records request and told, by both, and they were both smirking back and forth over this, that if I wanted 3 pages of my own records, to see what is even going on, I had to make a public records request.

I said I didn't think this was necessary, for just a few pages.

So I said okay fine, I still needed to talk to someone about my case and I had a right to know about one document and it doesn't take any time, and if I am taking benefits or terminating them, I have a right to know. So this Mary says she can reinstate my benefits right there. I said, "I have the right to privacy and I was also told I can speak to someone privately in an office and that other financial workers are available. I have a right to know about a letter or document and was told it was being "held" for me and if that is still the case, and if it has or has NOT been entered into the record, I have a right to know."
They want to sign me back up right away, but they don't want me to see what I'm signing into or what was added to my file.

I also said my letter clearly states I wasn't terminating benefits but asking they be on hold until I discussed this case with someone and checked on a few things, and says right there, until the 3rd, which is today.


Anonymous said...

So someone told me about your blog because apparently a lot of people in Wenatchee read it as they find it amusing (were you here before "crazy Evelyn" passed away? You are referred to throughout the valley as her replacement.) Anyhow, thought I would check it out and see if you were really as big of a lunatic as I had heard. I read some of what you have writen and must say it is like a train wreck, hard to stop looking at, but such a hot mess. You OBVIOUSLY have serious mental health issues that you need to address before you will be able to take care of yourself in a normal capacity (not to mention your poor son). A bit of advice,stop going around town and harassing people and do some self reflecting. Did you ever think that "this town" and it's people are not out to get you (and people everywhere as you seem to think) but that you are paranoid? or maybe (and I am gathering this only from your accounts that I have read) due to your mental health issues and general temperment you are very difficult to be around, therefore making it hard for people to deal with you? Think on it.

Mama said...

Clearly, dear,

you have ties to this area or you wouldn't be so passionate about writing in to defame or discredit.

People here know that I am NOT "crazy" and that I have called many people and groups out into the open over flagrant corruption.

This is also one of the most corrupt towns in the entire NATION, from what I 'hear', as if Eastern Indians who have recently moved to the U.S. 'know' NOT to go to Wenatchee and have 'heard' about this town and how corrupt it is, and if internationals in Washington D.C. know all about this town and it's politics, I would guess the reputation of the masses in Wenatchee far surpasses the reputation of "crazy Evelyn", who, God bless her, may have been the only sane person here.

See part II

Mama said...

Not only does this town have a national reputation of infamy, it has an international reputation of infamy. Little did I know, when I first moved here, but there are others who have contributed to making this place WORSE and not better, and who have sourced out with millions, not 1 million, but millions, to discredit me on a few sensitive levels and to also keep town players under thumb.

As for psychic stuff, I don't believe you have a psychic bone in your body but others have confirmed I DO. That does not make me "crazy".

As for what is going on in this town, all anyone has to do is hang out for awhile to see for themselves. It's corrupt. It has a reputation for having one of THE most corrupt "justice systems" in the country, apparently. Sorry, but when you have diplomats from other countries and embassies, who KNOW about this town and what's going on...

Am I crazy? or am I possibly a sore thumb in an otherwise complacent and united front for absolute bilking and boiling?

I notice you write your comment after I attack a state office and their workers again, for corruption and dishonesty.


I'm sure you are a very sweet person with a tender blade heart, who is really concerned with social causes and good and who has absolutley no connection to this area and no motive for attempting to defame me.

The only thing I haven't done, is sort out some of my fiction for purposes of gaining information, from facts about crime.

My son was happy with me and if you read the witness statements, about 15 of them, you would know this.

A lot of people in Wenatchee do read my blog. They also intercept, with the help of others, my telephone calls, email, and other computer communications and visitation with my son. Apparently, dear, from what I've heard, my information is spread throughout the UK and I've no idea why.

Why would the world have an interest in my blog, if I were crazy?

I had people from fucking "Malta" reading my blog at first post, and you can see, with Blogger, who ones readers are. Why the HELL would anyone in "Malta" care about what I wrote, and type in my name specifically, into a search?

Then the circle widened.

I am ALIVE because of my blog. If I did not write about persons coming through, and what was going on, worse would and could have happened.

If I were you, I would have a nice cup of tea...and....hmmm...let me think a minute....I want to say something about your cat, but it may have been someone else's cat that was sick last night.

I'd be surprised your middle name is not Einstein. Keep me posted on your latest inventions.