Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Random Readings Today (for coincidental insights)

I did the random thing today. I used to, in the 90s, love the saying about practicing random acts of kindness and that was a big deal. I used to do it a lot. I would pay for cars behind me, for their meals and disappear and do little things. I cannot really do that right now.

So I am practicing random acts of...readings. I have found different things to be inspired by and go back to later.

I didn't look at what I was reaching for, just looked at what the topic of the aisles were and then let the rest come about on its own.

The first book I got was from the health section and cracked me up. Suzanne Somers on horomones. That is COMPLETELY my MOTHER. My mom used to be obsessed with Suzanne Sommers, read her books, knows everything there is to know about horomones (believe me, she should have an honorary certificate in medicine) and even took in articles for having her hair cut just like Suzannes.

1. Suzanne Somers: The Sexy Years: Discover the horomone connection.
2. Healing Your Emotional Self by Beverly Engel (never heard of it)
3. ADD Success Stories (which is funny bc I just talked to a guy, "D", about ADD today. He said it made him slow and I said he seemed very smart to me)
4. A Better Way to Live by Og Mandino (never heard of it)
5. Dragonwings (a chapter book from children's section--never heard of it, by Laurence Yep...whoa, from 1975)
6. Sylvia Browne: Meditations (never heard of it but heard of her)
7. Fear and Loathing in America: The Brutal Oddyssey of an Outlaw Journalist by Hunter Thompson. (never heard of it, but I think something sounds familiar). This says, "The Gonzo Letters, Volume II, 1968-1976)
8. Hhahhaha! Not the title! But get this...I randomly chose a book which ended up being "Phantom Refelections: An American Fighter Pilot in Vietnam by Mike McCarthy, AND, get this, I just looked at the back and read...McCarthy was flying...his fighter with the U.S. Air Force's 433rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, also known as SATAN'S ANGELS. Hmm. I guess some people don't think that's a bad idea, to name a squadron like that.
9. The Anglo Files : A Field Guide to the British (with Q. Elizabeth peeping out of a teacup)....(never heard of it), by Sarah Lyall.
10. Islam: A short history, by Karen Armstrong (never heard of)
11. The Giver, by Lois Lowry (never heard of)
12. Comickers Art 3. I don't know anything about this kind of thing but got it random when I went to the art section.
I prayed once and just going to go with it now, opening at random. Starting with Bible. Going in order of books listed above.
0. Jeremiah 39. It is about being delivered into enemy hands and then delivered out from them, with the blessing of God.
1. Oh no. lol. pg. 169. Of ALL the chapters and sections in the book I get this one..."SS: No wonder women are so confused."
JB: (who must be the high priestess on horomones, jk) "Right, but women have to take charge of their bodies. Maybe they are trying but are not getting answers from their doctors. Women need to feel entitled and valued, to feel that their sexual health is important and that sexual dysfunctionn is not normal."
SS: "So what do we do? Is there Viagra for women?"

2. Pg. 94. Getting Past Your Fear of Anger.
"You may be reluctant to express your righteous anger toward your parents because you are afraid of your anger, the most threatening and frightening of all our emotions. But it is important to realize that your fear of anger has kept you imprisoned in the past, afraid to stand up to those who have hurt you and afraid to go forward. If you can conquer your fear of anger, you can rise above the status of victim to that of survivor."

3. For ADD Success Stories i got pg. 139. I think someone hexed me. It's about "Create Variety in Your Sex Life." I don't need instructions on that. I think the readings are for someone besides myself. Right above it though, it talks about how not to be bored, and that is a good thing, in normal activities.

(as I have been sitting here, I caught a gnat about 3 times, and spontaneously used my left hand but then I didn't squish it and it kept escaping. finally got it. I think I catch better with my left hand)

4. pg. 53. Rule 1, for a better way to live. "Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward toward the life that God intended for you...with grace, strength, courage, and confidence."

5. I have laughed out loud again. pg. 165. "In very halting demonic, I told them about the waters of the Pearl River: thick and milky and colored a reddish yellow like the color of sunset distilled from the air. On the river, you might see a stately junk, tottering its way upstream, slatted sails rising to meet the wind." (then it goes on to talk about's a book about Moon shadow joining his father in America, from China. It says at the top, "Will Windrider take to the skies?"

6. pg. 8. "A Mantle of Love"
"Return to the silvery curtain of light from the previous meditation. Feel your flowers bloom. See your curtina begin to unwind and lnk up to the curtians of other people, keeping a large tent of light at the base. It is pearlescent in the cneter and opalescent in its reflection. Begin to circulate it through the whole room, very slowly at first, then whirling so that each and every one of us, including you and me, is caught up in a tremendous vortex of colored light prisms. And this protective light pulsates back and rejuvenates us." then it goes on to talk about Michael the Archangel, with a sword in hand, ready to slay any dark forces.

7. Pg. 237, at "The Mayor was running his own candidate, the local magistrate, and by the final week of the campaign he knew he was in bad trouble. It was obvious, by then, that Joe Edwards--the Left candidate--had built such a tidal wave of momentum that the Right was already croaked...and that the only question, on election day, was how far the freak tide would carry. The fatbacks' only hope, in the end, was the old lady/shopkeeper whose platform consisted of an endorsement by the local Contractor's Association and her claim that all she really wanted was to "be the town's den mother." She was the "middle road candidate", the androgynous Ike-figure of all our nighmaress..."

8. pg. 183, "It's quiet up here. Exhale. Take a deep breath. Exhale. The vertigo had vanished. My mind clears. All this took about one minute from pulling the handle to parachute opening. The rest will be easy. I'll bob aroudn in the water awhile, get a little rrest, and then the Navy will pick me up.

This has been an emotional roller coaster. Before the mission I had experienced appropriate apprehension and intense concentration, this increased markedly in the target area. Being vigorously shot at confrims exactly what is going on, getting hit transforms a serious situation to an emergency. This may be it!
Low point:
* eject immediately?
* airplane may explode?
Good News:
* the airplane still flies!
* will i be a POW?
Decisive action:
* head for phandom ridge!
* I have two pistols, 100 bullets, a knife, signal flares and a signal mirror.
Grim reality:
* leaking fuel fast
* airplane doesn't fly right
Bought Time:
* Made it to phantom ridge!
* fuel leak seems slower!
* feet wet!
Not over yet:
* ten minutes of fuel isn't enough
* Red Crown on the radio!
* north for refueling rendezvous!
Massive Disappointment:
* 4 ft. short
* just in case last words
* don't want to do it
Trust Martin-Baker:
* punch out
* chute failure
* fight to the end!
All's Well:
* chute opens!

The struggle to live had left me exhausted. I pondered that for a half minute, then decided, I'd better get busy."

9. pg. 165, at "Britain loves its oddball characters, and Bethell was a fine example.
What foreign correspondent wouldn't leap at the chance to talk to a good-looking nude human-rights campaigner?

(Oh, i had to stop a minute bc I was laughing out loud so hard. Of all the chapters, and I haven't even looked, I got the one about 'the naked guy and angle-grinder man')

...What particularly intrigued me about Bethell was that while the law frowned on his campaign, members of the public didn't; and that he seemed unperturbed by what you might imagine to be the biggest drawback of public nudity when practiced in Britain: the British weather. In any case, when I met him, early in 2001, Bethel was flush with success. Not only had he recently been acquitted of public indecency in a widely publicized trial in London, but also he had sat through the entire trial naked--becoming, apparently, the only nude defendant in English legal history."

10. pg. 154, at "Rida was one of the first Muslims to advocate the esttablishment of a fully modernized but fully Islamic state, based on the reformed Shariah. He wanted to establish a college where students could be introduced to the study of international law, socology, world history, the scientific study of religion, and modern science, at the same time as they studied fiqh. This would ensure that Islamic jurisprudence would develop in a truly modern context that would wed the traditions of East and West, and make the Shariah, an agrarian law code, compatible with the new type of society that the West had evolved." (i personally don't know much about islam and the variants)

11. pg. 79, "Jonas did so, a little apprehensively. Beneath his bare chest, he felt the soft folds of the magnificent cloth that covered the bed. He watched as the man rose and moved first to the wall where the speaker was. It was the same sort of speaker that occupied a place in every dwelling, but one thing about it was different. This one had a switch, which the man deftly snapped to the end that said "OFF". Jonas almost gasped aloud. To have the power to turn the speaker off? It was an astonishing thing.

12. I don't know what to do with this one. I opened to pg. 93 which has a lot of paintings/cartoons, titled, from top to bottom, left to right:

Detective Story, Dragon, Dissatisfaction, Secret, Panda and Cherry Blossom Trees, Wait A Little More, Silver Metallic Insect, Breaking Fresh Ground, Imperial Princess In Red, Untitled, Flying Fish In The Clouds.
That's all for now. I might choose one more book: I went to the religion section and picked out at random, not looking. I got the book "By The Time You Read This" by Lola Jaye.

I got p. 159, at
"Excuse me? I was assigned four jobs after four p.m. last night, the last one around a quarter to six. So I completed them all before I went home. Two log-on problems, slow email connections and a broken mouse. I did those."
"Well, I had a complaint from the director's PA saying she called the helpdesk way before five p.m."
"I didn't get any notification from Jamie or Matt...Not even an email."
"You sort that out with them, Lois. But just for the record, I'm not happy about this. Anyone but the director's office!"
I wasn't keen on Keitho's tone, but decided to let it go.
"I'm sorry, it won't happen again, okay?"
"Make sure it doesn't. Sloppy stuff like this reflects on all of us."

(I decided to flip to one more section and got p.240)
"chocolate froth, trying to formulate some type of plan, armed with a notebook, camera, my laptop and The Manual, sometimes all four.

Miscellaneous: Mistakes
Yes, you'll make a few. You're human, imperfect and basically set up to make mistakes from the moment of birth."

Had the idea to go back to comickers and turn one by houden eizou. of a woman in a chair and wires and things coming out of her head and looking at a computer. Another girl turning a wheel.


  1. tired of your complainingJune 23, 2010 at 5:07 PM

    I thought you said you were getting your case ready. What a crock of shit...all you do is bitch and complain about everyone, yet you do nothing to help yourself. Here you are supposedly using your absolute powers to read other people's minds or whatever, yet you can't read the mind of your son, you can't read the mind of the judge, you can't read the mind of anyone important to your case. If you really cared about your case, you'd have gone to that hearing, regardless if it was just a records release hearing. I assume you just want to have something you can complain about later. Like how its everyone else's fault for this and that. Its NEVER your fault. I so hope you screwed up by not going, so that your son can finaly have peace in his life.

  2. I never said I was getting my case ready, because I don't have MEANS for even doing this. What I said I was doing, was trying to get a LAWYER, a public defender, which I have a right to, because without one, I don't have money for fax and phone and copies and Westlaw or LexisNexus and legal materials. One cannot be "pro se" without these basic fundamentals and it is POINTLESS to go to any hearing, after a public defender has been requested and then this request illegally and improperly refused. I asked for a lawyer and it is NOT wise to go to a hearing pro se, because one is forced to do this, if you're already claiming you are in NO position to do so.

    As for my son's mind, I have been able to pick up on things about my son, and about Judge Hotchkiss in fact, and other people who have been in my life. You have absolutely no way of knowing.

    For such a terrible comment to be written, by someone so judgmental and ignorant at the same time, I hope you learn a lesson commensurate with the level of your ignorance.

    As for my son and what he wants, he wants to be with his mother and self harms because of what the state has done to him. He was happy before, all the time, and no longer.

    On behalf of my son and your invalidation of his needs and desires, I hope you get whatever it is God might feel you deserve.

    As for the hearing, IF I was lied to, when I had the documents stolen before reading, if I was lied to by THREE different official government officials or offices, this is flagrant corruption. I am not so hasty to believe all of these people would lie about something like this and if they did, they can be in very big trouble for fraud and misleading me intentionally, and trying to cause distress, when I went to them explaining the situation and making an effort, on 3 occasions, to confirm what this hearing was regarding. If it was just a medical records release, there was no need for me to be there, esp. without a lawyer.

    I cannot even respond to their motions without resources, so all of this is illegal and improper.

  3. tired of your complainingJune 24, 2010 at 8:12 AM

    I may be ignorant according to you...but at least I have my kids...

  4. Yes, a clear irony of this situation and further indication my son has been held hostage for political reasons which have nothing to do with my actual ability to parent.

    Thank you for your comments.
