Wednesday, June 2, 2010

repeat on images of my son

I already wrote about it, but I think it's great so I'm writing it again. Maybe I sometimes get other images of things my son is doing, but I definitely got clear images of things he was doing last night and this morning, when I was praying about him or thinking about him while playing PacMan.

I had an image of green and yellow, John Deere colors last night, of parts on a carpet or floor, but it was fragmented but I knew it was John Deere and had something to do with my son. So I checked with him, and discovered today he was wearing a John Deere shirt and I asked him if he was playing with something John Deere last night and if it got broken (bc I just saw parts and couldn't get the whole) and he said yes. He was. I said, "Did it get broken?" and he didn't say and then I said, "Was it your tractor or something different?" and he said something different.

THEN, the other thing I got about him, my own son, was early this morning, I saw Thomas the Train,the face of the train, from this book I got him when he was very young and it was one of the first things he really lit up over, and at a young age (probably the big smiley face on the white and black contrast of the train's face) and he loved it and I was thinking about this, and thinking just this morning how I need to get him the compilation of stories of Thomas and then he showed up for our visit and he was sitting there in the car, holding 2 trains in his hands, Thomas the Train trains. I exclaimed to him that I had just been thinking about Thomas the train that morning.

I am NOT kidding. It is the first time I've had direct confirmation of thing I get about my son but sometimes I am not specifically thinking of him bc it's hard, and so I pray for or about other people.

But the thing is, if this "gift" runs in my family for some reason, How do I know that we've not been used for experiments or like guinea pigs for awhile? I mean, how do I know.

I had an idea about why I was thinking what I was thinking when I got images relating to my son, and then I got direct confirmation, so I know, because others have given me confirmations on things too, that I really do "get" some things and I get them right, and I am making connections a lot of people don't make. It's not schitzo, it's different, which is probably part of the reason some people have wanted to try to kill me off or thought I was a threat, bc they somehow thought I was getting my info as a spy or from someone else, or that I knew more than I did about a situation I was accurately picking up on.

I also know either my father is feeling pressured, or he was told to say certain things at a certain time, or he is literally one of the best fucking psychic remote viewers I've known and I never knew. So I am wondering what the hell is the deal with my family.
Maybe this is part of the reason so many were in military and then also so many died under suspicious circumstances.

I know that my Dad was talking to me from my aunt and uncle's house and either someone was there coaching him on what to say, or he could see what was happening in my own environment right then. He then also said he was getting out of "range" or target rrange or something. Right after he was saying things that matched things which were immediately happening in my environment. it also makes me wonder bc that blood, Red Cross guy from Virginia seemed to know who I was and who my Dad was and it was there that they didn't want to take my blood and were setting my stuff to the side. Why would a professional organization do that unless they knew there was some reason for it?
I didn't go to the counseling appointment I had yesterday, because I only spent about an hour and a half with this woman total and while she was pleasant, I feel it's unncecessary that I am told by Washington state to do anything when I haven't even had a proper psych eval and haven't seen the psychiatrist either (which I shouldn't have to do unless I am gettting a proper psychological evaluation first). Why would I go to a woman with ties to the University of Washington and this town, when I've seen NOTHING good from people here, in validating me. They only seem to want to cover things up and discredit me.

So I can't trust her. I can't trust her because she has too much possible incentive to do favors for the state. That is my opinion.

I still have reports to make though and need their services, but most of the people I've lived with or been around here in town are just major fucking snitches on everything I do, and TRY to find stuff on me that's not even there.

I'll write more about my visit later. I think I have psychic work and other work to do today and, for the record, the laptop is overheating and it's not "psychic".
The other thing I wonder about, is, with the monitor, for example, why she will write down what book my son says he has at his house, which today he said was "James is in a Mess" and then she will let 10 minutes go by when he and I are talking about things relating to our bond and not document anything. She didn't want to write down that he was saying his favorite bath toy was a mama and baby turtle that swam in the water. Or anything about the rubber ducky interest he had or how he wanted me to tell him about things he had and loved which he wanted to know were from me.

He didn't want to leave the visit and looked back at me and was looking worried when I said we didn't see eachother until next week.
I am praying for cancers today.

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