Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sample of Efforts to Get Public Defender

Hi Mardy,

I tried the CLEAR line and they won't help me. They said they talked to local people in my town and no one wants to help. However, I have, by law,, the right to a public defender for a termination trial and case and the Judge is refusing me this.

So I found out awhile ago that it's possible to obtain a public defender through another county. I wonder if you might be interested or know someone who handles dependencies that would be interested.

My case is not hard, nor would it be difficult to reverse. I just have not had any normal representation. I tried to get change of venue in the very beginning, bc of prejudice and inabiltiy to get fair trial here or a fair public defender and so far, this has proven true.

My son is 4 years old and he wants to be with his mother.

It is illegal or improper to refuse a lawyer but this Judge has done a LOT of things like this and isn't worried bc he can't be sued bc of immunity.

Please help. CLEAR is doing no good. My trial is the 29th of June and I have had NO lawyer and am in NO position to represent myself.



> Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 17:06:48 -0700
> From: TMB3MCC@nwi.net
> To: cameocares@live.com
> Subject: Public Defender
> Sorry I didn't get your name this morning, but I did get a number for
> you to call. It is the Civil Legal Education and Referral Line. The
> number is 1-888-201-1014. You can call this line every weekday from
> 9:15 to Noon.
> Good Luck.....
> Mardy

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