Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sick Cat

Not only was an individual sick last night, a man, whom I sensed sympathy for, I also prayed about one of my enemies and I ascertained they had a cat.

The cat was sick. Sorry. Will of God. I didn't have anything to do with it at all--it was just one of those things. One of those "signs"...

I had a commenter post about "crazy evelyn" and I would LOVE to hear more about this legend. Do tell. The commenter felt obliged to post a comment after reading my latest complaints about State workers in Wenatchee and corruption, and asked if I knew about a "Crazy Evelyn". Would love to have others read the comment by "Annonymous Ass" and give me the scoop on Evelyn. She must have been quite the Harriet Tubman.


  1. read this

    "crazy Evelyn"


    she was in no way a 'Harriet Tubman'. She was crazy with paranoid schitzophrenia. The writer was comparing you to her.
    We spent our childhood watching her spit at cars, show up at funerals of people she didn't know, yell at strangers and accuse them of stalking her.
    The only differences between you and her is that she at was nice at times. She would take her medicine and act normal for periods. She, unlike you, at least recognized that she had an illness. That, and, she actually had a carrer, a home, a marriage, and raised her kids. None of which are things you will ever accomplish. She didn't live off welfare and expect everyone to hand her everything. You do.
    Because you wont seek help and get the medication you need for your schitzophrenia, you will never be well enough to be a contributing member of society. Instead you will sit around making up stories of harassment just so that you feel important.
    You cause your own misery by never taking the blame for any of your actions. And, as the old saying goes, "Misery loves company" and you write lies about people in the community to stir up anger, so that you get attention.
    You lost your child because you would rather lie to yourself that you aren't sick, rather than admit it, get on medication and counciling, and get stable like a mother should do.
    You are selfish and dilutional.
    We actually liked evelyn because she didn't lie about others.
    No one likes you.
    You burned all your bridges, you selfish, sick crazy bitch.
    When we see you on the street we just laugh at you and say, "oh... there goes Crazy Cam".
