Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Someone Has Disabled My Computer --WA plates

Someone disabled my computer. I made a complaint about my computer problems to a federal team so where are they and why isn't someone keeping track?

I am using someone else's laptop right now. I used a cell phone that belonged to someone else and had my phone call redirected to a totally different business and they were sitting right there. I got a "Rima".

It went to "hibernate" when it was plugged into an outlet and connected to Travel lodge wifi from Subway.

When I left, after this happened, and after I got more information about something, I left and I saw several shocked and normal people but a few who were really getting off on this and who, I believe, knew who has been acting as the administrative assistant on my laptop for so long.

Men mainly, mocking right after my laptop was disabled:
137 YML
605 ZGV
063 YML (this guy didn't even try to hide it. Had glasses. I had a very bad feeling about this man and I don't think he's local either. I wanted to say either Seattle or something to do with Microsoft. I've seen him before, so could be local, but had a different feeling).
527 ZGS

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