Monday, June 7, 2010

Son Happy At Visit Today & Explosion Stuff

I had a great visit with my son today and he seemed to be in a good mood. The image I wrote I had, in the last post, regarding him, was not implying present time but something at some point past. I didn't get a date on it.

Very good visit. Will write more about it later. I then

Liszt. #2 Tausso Lament & Triumph, London Orchestra....GORGEOUS. Entralled. I am listening to NPR and just heard this and had to interrupt myself to get this down.

Anyway, I met this really interesting woman and that's all I'll say but it felt like I was in a movie all of a sudden. She looked like my mom, sort of.

Then, I prayed a short time in the park and then walked by and the song "You are my hiding place" came to mind. I mainly tried to thank God for small things and lift God up because I haven't done that enough.

Then I got home and I was sort of curious, because after I'd posted about spontaneous explosion, I got the WEIRDEST looks from people. Driving by very slowly. I didn't know why and now I sort of think I do.

For one thing, there have been a few explosions and fires but I am not going to claim responsibility or say it was "God's doing" either. Just because something goes up, doesn't mean it's a favor from God for someone or some group. So I know that this is not the case. It's even possible that it's the exact opposite though I did pray against backfiring and have no idea when God might answer my prayer if he did not already.

What I thought was strange, was that one of those oil company blow ups belonged to Trevor Rees-Jones, Di's bodyguard. I had no clue but I was curious about the company's so I looked them up. I mean, I think this is the same guy but maybe there is another one? That was out and off in the distance where I have nothing to do with them, and then another had something to do with W.VA and Buchanan again so I wondered about that bc I don't imagine anyone there is my personal enemy and the last time there was an explosion it seemed very strange.

Then there was also a small fire I guess yesterday or so, where a woman climbed out of her window in Wenatchee and her dog woke her up and the dog's name was "Lucky". I didn't see or read or hear that news at all. But today my son and I played that there was a fire (his idea) and it was my idea we use one of the rescue dogs to put it out so he said yeah! and we had the guys going out the window and the dog putting out the fire and then after the visit I went to the organic foodstore and bought "Lucky" brand spring rolls. I am NOT kidding. And NO, I didn't think about this at all until NOW having read the news with my eyes widening a little bit.

I swear, if someone didn't know, they would think I knew about it. But I didn't at all. And this woman sounds normal and I don't know her at all. Her dog was part chihauhau and part Scottish cocker spaniel or something. I think the woman was about 60? and I don't know her at all. She sounds nice. I guess her heating pad exploded or something.

Then, today, there was a news article, posted at 5 p.m. I guess, or rather, I noticed, at 5:55 p.m. about a fire that started in Pinks tour bus at 5 today. I thought it sounded weird, given my knowing about my prayers, but I have nothing against Pink. The only thing I haven't liked, is how people in Wenatchee, some mean ones, would play this one Pink song around me to mock me, about the party being over or something. I would have to try to remember how that one goes. But I think Pink sounds cool and I like her style and voice and she wasn't on the bus, it was 8 of her members. No one hurt and it was a small technical problem that turned into a fire.

I thought the timing was strange. At 5 and the article was written at 5:55. I bought 5 of something today, right after I bought candles after asking this supermarket woman, seeing the rat poison right next to the candles..."I don't know what I should buy! the rat poison or the candles???!" she cracked up laughing and I said something about yeah, times are tough. I bought candles. It was what I was there for. I bought vanilla tea lights and then got something else and then I went to the bookstore and wrote about the psychic stuff which was the first time I was online all day today except this early morning.

So anyway, yeah, kind of weird to read the news.

Then I met this woman who was very nice and she said she thought maybe she'd delivered me--been my nurse when I was born, and then she said that her house was formerly owned by a Judge who made a wrong decision on the bench and ended up shooting himself in the head over it. I was like, "Ohmiiiigosh. Reaaaally?" and I felt bad thinking about this Judge. She invited me to church and we chatted.

Then I got this song to mind: You Are My Hiding Place after I tucked myself away in a park for a short time and then was walking out.

I listened to this several times and when it quit the NPR classical came through with almost the exact same melody line. At about 11:54 p.m. PST, about, or a little earlier is when it came through and it was the same notes and almost same melody but to instrumental only. Then a couple minutes later that section ended and it went to something else. Corrie Ten Boom, I think, wrote the lyrics to Hiding Place when she and her family were hiding the jewish during WWII. Holberg Suite was the name of the classical piece with the similiar melody.

I don't know what I think or thought about the announcer, Scott Blankenship; he made some strange comments. I guess there was sarcasm but not sure where it was directed.


Anonymous said...

The "connections" you see are so ridiculous.

Go ahead, leave a 5 paragraph rant about how everyone in Wenatchee is against you and how you saw a guy walking while wearing black, the color of EVIL, or those other types of things you write about. Duh.

Mama said...

Dear Duh,

You are entitled to your opinion.

Thank you for writing!