Tuesday, July 20, 2010

3 More Lucky Guesses

I have had several lucky guesses, all in a row.

I have things to file, but I'm guessing a lot of things right.

First I met this man who said he was from NY and as we walked I kept thinking "Minnesota" and how his flow of speech was a lot like Rick Bakens. Then he said he did live in Minnesota.

Then, this coffee shop/cafe had a new security feature which required a passcode. I tried to guess and what came to my mind as "coffee". So I typed it in and it failed so then I went in and asked and they said it was "cappuccino". I was close!

Next, this man walked by and I saw he had on a gold chain beneath his shirt and it could have been anything--men with gold chains might just be wearing a chain or have a cross or have a medallion. I asked him, with another woman present, if I could see what kind of medallion it was. I was thinking it might be a saint but then I asked, "It is a medallion right?" and they said yes and he pulled it out and it was a medallion of a U.S. coin, 1913 coin with an Indian Head on the front and an eagle on the back. It was encased so it was a medallion.

I am trying to get other things done. My back hurts a little but it was from the laptop. That laptop was buzzing in a weird way and putting off something or absorbed something, I don't know and the radio was on at the same time and for some reason I think the radio faciliated what was happening with the laptop.

It didn't matter if I took the battery out, still a problem. When it was plugged into a normal wall there was still a problem. It was when I shut it off and just pulled the plug from the computer to the wall (when there was no battery) that this weird stuff quit.

Then it seemed a second thing quit when the radio was turned off and the T.V. turned on. That's when I got the idea that the radio frequency or something about it somehow faciliated, maybe, the other thing. I don't know how it works.

I am trying to find a lawyer for filing injunction with.

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