Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Another Image Unreported

I guess I'll add this other image that I had awhile ago which I didn't get confirmation over until the last hearing for my custody case.

It is late, but still, for the record, I had psychic images of photos having been taken of my house. After I left, and I "saw" people looking through them.

No one told me this or admitted it until a week or so ago, at the hearings when I asked and Michelle Erickson testified it was true and they were inadmissable as evidence (which I also know would be the case).

But, for the record, just as I "saw" my belongings on tables, being gone through by police (maybe that's symbolic and not literal) I also "saw" people going over these photos.

I believe, at the time that I had the image it was of a man looking at them. Possibly, it could have been Tomas Cabbelero but I don't know for sure. I believe I had the impression of a man though.

I sort of think I recall the impression was of different people going through the photos and actually seeing some of the shots, and then mainly it was of a man sitting at a desk, looking through them. Like a personal desk.

I had the image or impression right about the time I was coming back from Canada or around that time. It was a long time ago and I always thought there were photos because of it, even though no one ever mentioned this through 2 years time. But I knew because of what I saw.

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