Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Closest They Could Get To Having Sex With Her

I walked outside and had all this weird harassment again but this time I could pick it out because who else is so interested as to be out late at night, following me?

I got back and thought "why all of these men?" Because with women, when they're bitchy, you know it's just women bitchiness but when groups of MEN turn against a woman and get an almost orgasmic pleasure out of insulting her or watching her in distress, it's different. It brought to my mind today this phrase that I read in a book about Di, which I only skimmed through quickly, but where it spoke about how the press and some public turned against Di and these men would do terrible things to make her cry to get a reaction and then laugh in her face. The author wrote that it was the closest thing to sex that these men could get. I can't remember how she put it, but it was so right, I didn't forget it.

I was sitting at a public place with a computer and this group of men with accents that were Eastern European (I thought Russian but I might be wrong) came in and one was saying over and over, the way my son says "sorry", he kept saying this, over and over and over. It was very intentional and then some in his troup were doing the "cough-cough" exactly 2 coughs thing. What was horrible was how the one was trying to evoke a 4 year old boy and imply something was wrong and my son was having to say "sorry" over and over. There were at least 20 of them and they are staying at The Coast hotel. They have Eastern European accents but not sure where from. Most of them were short and had brown hair.

Then, I walked outside and one man in a camper car drove by and he "looked" jewish but he could have been something else and just had the look, and he passed me mocking me and then laughed with and acknowledged this car full of 4 or more hispanic men who were mocking me. I saw some Canadians tonight who just looked guilty and that was about it.

It was eerie. Then a few normal people drove by, but there are very bad people who are getting away with not just murder, but torture.

What is so strange is that I've noticed I have some Italian (or did, I don't know) men on my side or who knew what was up. And some Irish too. Which is sort of surprising but I mean, these Irish, Catholic or Protestant, they know when someone is being bullied because some of them have really seen this firsthand, no matter what "side" they're on. They understand how out of control some groups can get and what terrible things can be done without police protection. They know. I've also seen this with others in other groups, but really, sort of a little bit everywhere I guess, it's just that I notice when there are more groups. What I really need someone to explain to me, is what is going on and who the biggest and most corrupt and powerful enemy of me and my son is. I know I have enemies, but I need to know how to prioritize and be aware.

I really need to know or ifgure ot, somehow, who the people are that care about me and my son. I mean, the true defenders and those who have really supported me in personal or private ways. I know a lot of people cannot deny what is going on with me and my son and it looks very bad to the outside eye. But I mainly need to know who believes in me and who knows what is going on with people taking things out on my son.

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