Monday, July 12, 2010

Computer Hacking Today--Sifting & Images (update)

The first thing I noticed today was that I tried to go online and someone had turned my firewall off. So I went to turn it on, which you can't do until you click the button, and someone turned it back on.

I made a complaint about computer problems and theft associated with this and I haven't even heard back. I don't expect to hear back right away.
Images: I had some impressions yesterday morning, or actually they were dreams. In one of the dreams I was walking and this station wagon full of Asian young men (4) were looking back and some waving, some just grinning. The impression was that a few had been up to no good, but I am not sure. Then, it turned out to be a premonition because that day I was walking by and this happened and the men looked like the ones in my dream. I had the feeling it was connected to Oregon or Seattle in some way. Possibly through litigation, through a religious group, re. computer hacking or psychic stuff. But this was the first time I've had a dream or, sort of half awake dream and it turned out to be something for the immediate future, and then occured.
It reminded me of how Michelle Erickson tried to tell the Judge I didn't really do "random drug testing" because, she told the court, "Ms. Garrett would come in without calling so she had to have known the schedule" and then said I came in on days I didn't have one.

Random means someone doesn't know when they have to go in and they call in to find out on that day and then go in. On several occasions, I walked in because I had a "feeling" I had one scheduled. I walked in before I called because I just knew and I would find out I was right. This happened, for the times I went in, with very good odds, that when I went in I had one. It happened the day after court in fact. I didn't call, but I walked up to the center figuring I had one scheduled, and I did. But I didn't call first, I just had a "feeling". So the woman said I was down for one but the state didn't have papers ready so I didn't have to take it. Oh wait, I think I called about that one first. Anyway, my odds were so good, I think they thought I had someone telling me which days I had a UA. Then I went in sometimes and didn't have one but if I was right there in the area and hadn't called and didn't have a cell on me, then I would go in. A few times I didn't have one scheduled, but probably 7-8 out of 10 times I did, and I didn't go in all the time. I argued to the court it was still random because I didn't know and had no way of knowing.

The psychic stuff came up in that regard, in court, and then in the sense that I already knew Michelle knew my former housemate and no one ever said a word to me about it and I never saw them together either. I just "knew". In fact, he was harassing me and I finally started yelling back saying this and that and on and on and then all of a sudden I spit out, "And I don't appreciate your talking to Michelle ERICKSON and trying to work against me for the state!" He stopped. Stared. Probably thought, "Who told her?"

I had known for awhile but I was keeping it to myself. Then I decided to blurt it out because I didn't need to go through what I was being put through. He had never said anything which could have ever led me to think he was even acquainted with her in any way.

However, this neat little circle was him, and he passed on information to Michelle, who passed it on to other CPS workers and even the women and psychologist at the DSV domestic violence place I tried to go to. Oh, and the police all know these people too.

So it's a really nice circle here. Anyone I've ever lived with in Wenatchee has usually been tight with someone else. AG Ann McIntosh knew my former landlord Steve May. She drove by the place several times too so she must have lived in the area. She was also pissed, in court, when she brought up my stay there.

Sometimes I get information from a psychic level I guess and then other times, I do get information from others, who tell me in various ways, what's going on. So I guess it's a good blend bc no one knows for sure.

I wonder if any court has ever tried to try or imprison anyone for psychic "spying" or remote viewing alone.

I'm not very good. I think I could be better, but sometime down the road maybe.
I know the difference between psychic attack and technology. I have learned how to discern the difference.

What happened to me and my son at the house in East Wenatchee and before, was not "psychic" or paranormal.

The Judge asked why I went all the way to D.C. and I shied away from bringing up why there were some things I wanted to test for that were only available there, because I thought it would make me sound nuts, but the truth is, I DID and still DO want to be tested for effects of that harm. What I find strange is that some people in Wenatchee or the state knew, because they went out of their way to block bloodwork of me and my son, and to block a PET scan and they were most willing to turn things around and drop everything when they thought my parents were going to help me get an evaluation for what happened, through blood assay and PET, which, that soon after, would have detected changes.

It was no "haunted house". Ghosts are not interested in hacking into computers and transfering your phone calls from one business to another. Ghosts and other spiritual entities might create disturbances like things falling or opening and closing of objects, and sounds could be heard, but my problems were not with "ghosts", they were with people who hated me and my son and would do anything to hurt us. They are probably tied in with the same group that has gone out of their way to trigger migraines in me when they assume it's around my cycle.

If this is the case, it goes back to Oregon. It would be Oregon and then Washington state and someone followed us into Canada and did a few minor things there. Then I even went all the way to the East Coast and at first had no problems but around my pregnancy, it did. When I was with my Ex, only a couple of things happened. But then 3 months after we separated, it started up again and although it's never been as bad as it was, I have seen that my son has still been targeted along with me and the State has forced my son to see doctors who have direct conflicts of interest in being objective about his health and care.

I think it is too late to get evidence to confirm what happened with me and my son but there might be a way to prove something through teeth and for my son, and to prove my case, I am still more than willing to give up a tooth and if I have to go to France if the U.S. won't do it, then I will.

What they know is that most damages are only visible in the nails and blood for a certain length of time. Any effects to the brain, such as when I was having seizures, would have been detected by PET but probably not now. PET would still show whether I had any "severe mental illness" and would completely rule some things out.

I left all of this out of the hearings, but maybe I should have added it, and then explained why we did what we did and then how the State has been unable to prove it did not occur and tried to block us from obtaining evidence.

The best discovery I've made, is the source of my migraine trigger. It's phenomenal actually. I did a good job, an above-average job, of somehow ascertaining something wasn't "right" even though by all outward appearances it seemed normal. I outsmarted some fucking foxes, didn't I?! This has been going on a long time and I caught up to it and found out my migraines have NOTHING to do with menstrual cycle. So now it's a matter of pinpointing who would have gone to this trouble to keep up a story for so long, and affect my life and legal matters with this?
This guy I'm staying with has to be somewhat psychic or know a few things because yesterday I felt an itch on my cheek and then I thought maybe he had done this, and it sounds crazy, but I was fully lying down across the room and I completely raised my head and looked over at him and he was just grinning with a little suprise and had his hand scratching his cheek in the same way I was scratching mine, and on the same side. Why I raised my head to look and catch this I don't know. Then I just laid down again. He was making the exact same motion that I was making. And he's been a flyer his whole life. Air Force and then private. I asked if he ever did any intel bc he's been all over the world and he says no and he's older (70s or 80s). One night I was thinking about Princess Di and watching t.v. and he asked me if I wanted a t.v. dinner and I said yes and I had just been thinking about this.

I just asked him again and he said no, he was Army. I said I didn't think they did much flying in the Army but he was Army and flying since he was about 6 or 7 (went with his uncle who had a private plane). Maybe he's not psychic at all though. Maybe I just perceive things somehow and I'm the one who is a little bit and he was surprised and noticed how I looked over.
I saw this lady today, with blond hair, getting out and walking torwards the El Salvadorian restaurant and I knew right away: beer boobs! She was like a poster girl for it. So funny because I didn't think that about anyone else but something told me "she drinks beer a lot" (in moderation like normal, but frequently) and I just had this feeling she had heard about that post. I don't know why, but I think I'm right!
Then, I had another thought come to mind today...about other parts of my dreams. I saw something where white guys were going into a place and then this East Indian young man was going too but looked back at me, sort of hesitant or with a knowledge others didn't have perhaps. Then today, I saw that same look on an E. Indian young man, but it was a different one from the man I saw in my dream. But I did see that today.
Also, I recalled how I have had snippets of dreams where someone is doing a secret handshake with me. In one of the handshakes, I could "feel" it in my dream and the man did this handshake with a interior clawing motion on the inside which no one could see, and in the dream it came to mind: clawback. I thought about this and suddenly remembered today when I saw a Masons sign on a car, but in my dream this 'clawback' or handshake wasn't threatening. It was more like someone was trying it out on me and I didn't know what they were doing and thought about it, in my dream.

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