Saturday, July 10, 2010

copy of email about Oliver's injuries (loss of circulation)

Doctor Visit For Oliver (OUT OF AREA)‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Sat 7/10/10 5:32 PM
To: holly (; mom dad (


You have the RIGHT to take Oliver wherever you want for medical appointments. Oliver should NOT be going to a pediatrician that belongs to the medical group I was going to sue.

Columbia Pediatrics is connected to Central Washington Hospital and that's where our injuries were incurred and it is WRONG that CPS has forced him to go to one of their doctors who will blow everything off.

I want my son to go to a different hospital and be evaluated, teeth and body.

I am making a criminal complaint against some persons regarding negligence of Oliver and criminal conduct of state workers in intimidating you to feel you have to call THEM and only take Oliver to THEIR doctor. When I wanted him to see a doctor out of the area and was going to pay for your entire trip, CPS obstructed this and told you not to do it.

I am actively collecting evidence of crime against official and non-official persons who are responsible for harm to Oliver and for covering it up. I am also taking this matter of his entire removal, as a kidnapping, to the Attorney General's office in D.C., now that I have more information about what happened.

In the meantime, I want Oliver's teeth to be examined out of this area. He should have full X-rays taken and a full exam by a non-affiliated pediatric dentist. I also want a pediatrician to give a full and thorough explanation for why part of Oliver's genitals are now blue and appear to have lost circulation as his tooth did.

Again, I encourage you to report crime or intimidation, to proper authorities OUT OF AREA. Do not depend upon Seattle FBI or anyone in this State. If you can, please try to contact someone out of the area. I know they have all ganged up to cover for things that are going on, and the only way it will stop is if you are brave enough to speak up for Oliver and say something to people out of the area. I would encourage you to maybe start with Mr. Eric Holder's offices and bypass the Department of Justice or FBI entirely, if possible. Because the FBI has been responsible for some of this harm, there is a conflict and a motive with some of their professionals, to ALLOW harm to come to Oliver in order to avoid liability themselves for what they've done.

Please take Oliver to a pediatrician about his genitals and let me know what they have to say to explain that. Please take Oliver to a dentist out of the area as well.

If you are being abused in any way or feel unsafe, you need to get help outside of this state. If you can tell me who it was that brainwashed Oliver to want to "show" me his genitals after someone did something to him, please let me know who you might suspect. As you know, Oliver is very private with others and has never wanted anyone to watch him except for a few times to show he'd learned to go on his own. At this point, I feel it's suspicious that he felt obligated or had been instructed to show me and then the state workers were trying to keep him from showing me after I made a light hint that I knew what was going on.

It is not your fault. It is the state's fault and they have obstructed justice to allow crime to continue and are therefore criminals and subject to action themselves.

I also know that Pablo and your family wouldn't do this to Oliver, so I am trying to get the attention of the Attorney General involved, from out of the area.

Cameo Garrett

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