Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Corruption At Wenatchee District and Superior Court

The Judges here are trying to keep my causes out of the court system. Almost all of them are Catholic and it makes me wonder, when all of them are doing this, if this is coming into play at all. Judge Warren is Catholic and did illegal things with my car and that whole thing. As far as I know, Judge Nakata is Catholic. Then there's Judge Harmon, who is Catholic. And Judge Bridges, is Catholic. I don't wonder about it until I start hearing a lot of shit from people who are, and they make it into this, into a religious thing. Some of my problems are coming from Jewish though too, and I've seen that firsthand. Like, maybe it wouldn't happen if there weren't other interests at stake. As for Protestants, well, there are a LOT of rotten ones, but none of them are Judges. I ran into a lot of nice Catholic people today so I'm not talking about them. But there is obviously still a group at work that discriminates and is prejudiced against me for some extremist reasons. It's like, well, probably it wouldn't be the most sincere and devoted Catholics who would do anything terrible to unborn babies and that sort of thing, but would they keep a mother from a child? yes. It's hard to decipher all of the motives and what contributes to the choices people make. Even religion cannot absolutely define things, because there are people on all sides, but this is making poeple look bad, in my opinion. It is only hidden for so long and then it will eventually come to light and as much as some want to make me sound nuts, I have too much credibility.

These are the Judges handling harrassment matters here.

I have had all these people here acting like everything depends upon tomorrow, Wednesday. Like THEY all know that the Judge is going to do something about my case by that date and I have absolutely no way to protect my rights.

The District Court is so backwards and continues to be corrupt because they have zero accountability or oversight.

They do not even file anything online. They keep it all hidden behind their counters. So basically, I filed an anti-harassment complaint and the Judge dismissed it and no one can even see what my grounds were and how it should have been honored and how this Judge Nakata is prejudiced.

So I tried to file in Superior Court because at least they SCAN in the complaints online and I asked for Change of Venue and for reasons of prejudice to have someone else review this.

I have a right to file these complaints and then when I tried to take them to Superior Court, Judge Bridges refused to even "deny" them so that they could be filed. These people are deliberately subverting normal protocol of filing materials, deleted or not, because they DO NOT WANT the record to be available to others in other states or to the public.

I filed ONE anti-harassment claim already and it was just docketed and that was it. The public cannot even read my statements or read the Judge's justification. They just docket it and someone would have to go behind the counter to read the actual file. So I am guessing this District Court gets away with a LOT.

I forget what all of the matters are that District Court handles, but I feel bad for people who have to go through this local system.

This laptop is still putting off the overheating thing. Like, right now and ever since I turned it on again. All day, no problems, and not until I turn the laptop on.

So this Superior Court is SUPPOSED to file things and they were trying to tell me that to file what they are "denying" I have to pay THEM $73 or so for each complaint. I don't. If it's denied by a Judge, it gets filed, period. The whole thing. But this Judge didn't want to even formally "deny" it because he knew then the whole thing would be SCANNED in and they don't want that to happen.

This town does NOT want their shit online for all the world to read.

They know that while people may not always know what's going on 100% with me, if I'm putting out documents and motions that I swear to, that I'm serious. They don't want people to know and they don't want their buddies names tarnished even as they tarnish mine.

Oh, and when I was there, these two guards started bringing up a whole conversation about being "paranoid" just when I was there and it was pretty much to harass me. I didn't miss it and I think they're idiots.

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