Sunday, July 4, 2010

Erin McConey's Harassment & Abuse of Authority

I didn't document what happened on Friday.

I went in to find out why money was not on my card as should be and social worker Erin McConey attempted to refuse services and told me to leave without being helped, or she was going to call the police.

She did this several times, when I was there asking in low tones, and politely, about what happened to the money that was supposed to be put on my card by the 1st. As it turned out, it was administrative error or intentional, and not my fault or because of me.

I said I needed to speak with a social worker and who was the supervisor and then was told it was Donna Titleman so I asked to speak with her. I used polite language and wasn't angry and didn't raise my voice. Erin first tried to keep me from getting the phone number for requesting a Fair Hearing out of the Olympia office. She wanted me to make my request there and I said I would rather call the Olympia number and have them document this because there have been problems with this particular office (Wenatchee).

First I was told there was no such number and was being refused the Fair Hearings 1-800 number. Then after I started using a phone to call another department out of the area, they "found" it.

Next, I wanted to make a request to speak with a supervisor about mistakes in the handling of my paperwork and the first woman, Angie G., was about to type in the request when Erin McConey cut her off and said, "No, we're not going to do that. You can leave RIGHT NOW or I'M CALLING POLICE."

I was shocked and said on what grounds when I'd done nothing and hadn't even raised my voice and she repeated that I was to leave the state offices immediately, without services. She said this and then stomped over to a desk where it appeared she was going to use a phone to call police and I then walked over to a state computer and calmly typed in my name and user ID and filled out a description of what services I was trying to access and who was refusing and harassing me by threats and intimidation and abuse of authority.

I then realized that THIS "Erin" was the same "Erin" I had had problems with before my son was ever removed, and I kept getting her when I would call the state offices.

I believe Erin McConey may have even made complaints about me in the past which were unfounded and therefore, noting this continued behavior or harassment by her, helps to evidence that certain person have been motivated by hate to harm me and my son.

This is coinciding with the discovery I made about nurse Alison Moore, with Wenatchee Medical Center. SHE was the nurse, the ONLY nurse, I was trying to report to the Nurse Board before my son was removed as she went out of her way to harass me and also defamed me in the presence of colleagues. She would also repeatedly hang up on me when I was trying to make appointments and then refused to let me talk to anyone else and when I would start to cry or become upset, then she'd hit record and tried telling Dr. Freed that I was the one causing problems.

I was having computer problems already but whoever was monitoring what I did, would have noted that I had gone to the sites for reporting a nurse and I looked up her ID or license number and made calls about how to do it.

The reason I was going to report her, was not that other nurses were not sometimes rude. It was that she really went out of her way, to such a degree as to be abusive and to create an appearance of my being a trouble-maker with others. I found out she was also a part of the complaints that were sent out which were unfounded, about my son. It was done out of malice but I didn't know why she hated me so much.

Then later, after finding out what her name was again, that "Ally" was actually "Alison" from the past, I realized OH! that this was the same woman who, a few months ago, was dishonest when she gave me the medication for migraine and who poured out most of the medication from the liquid Vicodin and then gave it to me, lying about how much I was being given. She was the person who told me, that with the remains, they "waste" it.

I believe part of the reason the State discovery has been withheld from me all along, is so I do not have evidence or discovery about who was causing trouble for me and trying to create harm for me and my son. It appears, some of the same people still have the same hang-ups about me and motive to cover their actions, and lie to me, lie about me, and would incite violence and wrongful treatment against me and my son.

1 comment:

  1. may you find strength in your sanity and try to accept the choices you have made. when you are talking you are not listening. people do care and want to help you with your strugles. i hope one day you will seek the help you need.
