Sunday, July 11, 2010

Filing Police Report on Theft Again, For My Son

I guess I have to file a report about theft of my son's necklace again. He said in his visit that someone from the state offices took it.

I want to know why he didn't have it on at the last visit with me but it reappeared and then it was missing again, like state workers are intentinonally fucking with me and my son.

Not only that, I discovered the state was trying to coordinate their response in court with what they thought I believed which means either collusion with my aunt on my conversation with her about Oliver's doctor, or that someone is doing illegal surveillance on my telephone calls. Before the hearings, I asked my aunt who his doctor was again and from what clinic. She said she thought Columbia Community and I said this was a conflict of interest.

Then, at the hearing, Michelle said his doctor was with Columbia Community and then did this big "fake" and said no, actually it was Columbia Pediatrics and then she and Ann acted shocked and "objected" to my comment that Columbia Pediatrics is connected to Central Washington Hospital, which is where my son and I incurred injuries and it was therefore a conflict of interest to have my son go there. They thought I would hear that it wasn't Columbia Community and then have nothing to say but I guess they think I'm stupid.

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