Saturday, July 10, 2010

Grounds to Overturn State (Kidnapping of my son)

I am just now discovering (so I hope discovery rules apply upon actual discovery), that my son was very likely removed by the U.S. without sufficient grounds. I also discovered the U.S. was buying time with certain Canadian officials, in order to try to set up and entrap me into something so they could have an excuse to get me out.

They had no grounds to extradite, is what I'm starting to come to believe, and so the only way to have my son taken was to imprison me and they had to come up with a good reason for that--a crime had to take place.

So, the U.S. and Canada worked together to come up with something they thought they could use to make it appear as though I'd committed a crime and they could arrest me and then take my son. But it was a set up and false and there was a motive to intentionally lie, try to entrap me, and accuse me of "immigration crime".

Michelle Erickson would only admit E. Wenatchee officer Dave Helvie was the initial local detective, but from what I'm learning, the Chelan County police were possibly involved and the FBI HAD to be involved, which would be why Canadian RCMP officers took another look at me when I told them I'd had some trouble getting FOIA from Seattle FBI and had made a report against a couple of their agents.

If the FBI was involved in trying to smear me and have my son taken, then that would be why the Canadians would believe there was possibly some ill will, motive, or malice against me.

It would also explain why the FBI would be more interested in harming my son and intimidating my family, through others, than in protecting my son and returning him to his mother.

This would ALSO explain why people believe it would be "impossible" for me to get my son back in the State of Washington, because too many government and law enforcement officials are involved and have an interest in this (including FBI). When you combine the broad scope of FBI along with medical professionals who don't want to be sued, you've got a lot of cover. And then, when you add in how on the East Coast the CIA had some interest in me and my son--what am I supposed to expect?

If the Seattle FBI was involved in "coordinating removal" of my son and lying with certain persons in Canada to make something up, then it would follow that I am unlikely to get any help or protection from them, which would be why all these horrible things have been done to my son without oversight. There are dirty people involved in this and they never want to be caught.

So if I can't go to the FBI about illegal entrapment and "coordination" with Canadians (which, in other terms is called, not "coordination" but "collusion"), then is it somewhere out of the area altogether? or is it an international court of law?

All of this explains why gang members and some law enforcement and other state workers have acted as a mob or mafia, and harmed my son to get to me and my family for intimidation purposes. My family has done some bad things to me but I also know much of what comes out of my son's mouth has nothing to do with them and that they are told they have to do what the state and others tell them to do. After doing all these horrible things, now the state and criminals want to turn it around and just have my son removed completely.

The fact that there is a "legal problem" might also be the reason I had a hard time getting anywhere with the FBI Headquarters in D.C. They would already know all about this case, and would be more interested in protecting what Seattle was doing.

I think the FBI has had a very serious concern that I would find out they were involved in all of this, and that it would come back to haunt them. I also had a lot of others outside of this, with very serious concerns about state police, and other state members involvement.

I need a good lawyer.

There are people getting away with a lot. I have seen some of them face to face and they stare at me to see if I notice who they are or have any hunch or insight about them. I might fake smile, but I wouldn't be cocky enough to think you have me fooled.

What I think is atrocious, is that the main problem here for me, in having any footing, has been housing and that it is just sliding by...I'll write about that in my next post.

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