Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Harassment by State Workers & Theft

I had more harassment today, as usual, by the visitation monitor, who coughed twice, in groups of "cough-cough" throughout the visit, and then they had a wishing well symbol turned upside down for me to see today, in a prominent place. Her plates are 126 XYO, Washington.

They also refused to confirm visits with my son next week and I could tell my son was bothered by this.

My son told me some adult took his necklace again and it wasn't my aunt or uncle.

I found out my son hasn't been on a horse ride and he said Pablo told him it was because Pablo said he didn't have directions but my uncle knows how to get directions from the guy and my aunt has the phone number. The only reason my son isn't going on a horse ride would be because the State didn't give them the money I sent.

I found out State workers have been repeatedly holding back toys I tried to send my son home with, and cash on more than one occasion, and they never even gave the cash to my aunt. They just kept it and then I found out none of the milk was being bought that I asked them to buy, which they told me they were using the money for. So basically, I handed over around $40 or more to Anne, just for milk alone, and she didn't buy any of it.

On other occasions, I bought the milk into the offices myself and found out the state workers "forgot" about it and kept it and held onto it for a couple of weeks until the dates expired. This happened on more than one occasion.

Not only that, my aunt and uncle told me over the phone they would allow visits at their house and that it was only the State holding them back from doing this. However, my family has been so unsupportive of me, I will never see my son if he's adopted out to them so I don't even know that I would want my son to be adopted by them and I certaintly don't want him with others either and I don't think it would be better.

The STATE has fucking been STEALING from me and just getting away with it.

This morning someone drove by saying "Church" like it was some church that was behind most of what was going on with me. Maybe in the background, but not on the surface at least because I've seen people from all religions who are basically told to harass me. I think a couple of groups just want

Oh God, the people here are all corrupt. I just asked Angie G., who was present when Erin McConey was harassing me, if she would testify as to the truth and she said she would and then I asked if she could confirm I had not harassed anyone and she BALKED and then gave a look to someone else which she tohught I couldn't see, but I caught her reflection in the glass. I don't think she would tell the truth. And that is very sad. If someone can't tell you then and there, that yes, they knew you were the person being harassed there's something wrong. She also told me, at the time, that Erin was her supervisor and just now she tried to say Erin wasn't her supervisor and it wouldn't affect her judgmeent. These people need security cameras. They get security guards, which cost 10x as much as a camera would, and just use this to keep people employed.

There is something wrong with a facility that prefers their own "hired hands" to technology that is more objective and accurate, and doesn't lie or distort the truth. It's even fucking CHEAPER and yet they don't do this. WHY.

If Washington State is so good about saving money, I would think they'd put in some security cameras rather than pay an exorbitant amount for guards.

So I called the police to report theft again and the vandalism and they asked me if I had been served something. Probably an order for termination and discontinuation of my visits.

This is how bad they are. The state has never cared about my son or his best interests. He was super happy to see me again and chased around their legs

Then this man that knows people in town, who had me stay short term and then kicked me out, comes over in some Hawaiaan shirt and leaves, telling me to "have a good day" when he knows what's going on.

Now, I was telling these guys that I had been served with something, and found out there is something new, so I was right about having a bad vibe this morning.

The Rivercom people just said something was just filed or given to them TODAY. So, I am right about what I perceive in "vibes" and in the "good or bad energy" department. I knew something was being worked against me and I am right.

And most likely, if Ann Crane is going on a 2 week vacation, she is being rewarded for a job well done for her part in screwing me over.


  1. Did you attend the hearing today for Michelle Erickson's harrassment complaint? It was at 11am today -- looks like you were blogging about that time.

  2. Yeah Idiot.

    I was blogging about that time. Why? because I didn't get any court notice the hearing was for that day because it should have been set out when I was requesting a new Judge so I had time to prepare things for the new Judge, and I was court ordered to be at a visitation which my social worker, Michelle Erickson, scheduled for today between 9:30-11:30. The state had an obligation to provide me with a new schedule and not hold me to a visit that conflicted with a hearing when they knew about it.

    They are also required to provide reasonable accomodations to me and have not.

    Case over. Because this other Judge jumped in and tried to have the hearing, and based on her comments or ruling, and the fact that she does go to the Catholic church and it can be inferred her prejudice may be due to this or the fact that some have accused her of being a cocaine addict, I should probably have Change of Venue as well.

  3. As to cocaine addict, that is only hearsay and I have never heard such a thing from a trusted source or witnessed it. However,

    it is still probably a conflict of interest for one of the Chelan County Judges to hear any case when one of them does do something and I reported the matter to the local and regional FBI a few years ago and have been receiving threats ever since.
