Saturday, July 10, 2010

Housing Discrimination & Exploitation of ME

I had a lawyer who thought he could help me straighten out housing discrimination.

Turns out, well, it sounds to me, like he or someone else or some group doesn't want to help me and my son at all. All they want is MY GENETIC material.

First people go after my KID and then they try to put me between a rock and a hard place to fucking try to SQUEEZE AN EGG from me.

I am not kidding.

That's what brought "fair trade" to mind.

I told the court and everyone knows, the most basic issue in having footing is housing. But of course these people aren't trying to run me out of town. One lawyer, one of the best in the area, who used to be City Commissioner for the same town that authorized one of their detectives to go after MY CHILD, said he'd take a look at this housing discrimination.

Everyone knows it happened and they sent a letter stating they might reconsider their position but they felt their records were "private" and not "public".

So I tried to get ahold of this lawyer for 2 weeks and meantime, my case is going on. He finally responded, a couple of days ago, and said he couldn't help me unless I paid $3,500 for a retainer.

I had my computer with this guy who saw everything on it, and my mail and maybe law enforcement wanted to have a look too, and the FBI, for all I know.

I know that when I got my laptop back, I had a fertility clinic from SEATTLE telling me they'd pay me for my egg donations, even if I was 35 years old (most clinics have a cut-off age) and then the very next thing I get is an email about how I cannot get fair housing in this whole area, or ever have a chance to have my son, if I cannot pay $3,500.

I was offered $3,500 for egg donation.

So I guess the idea is to try to force me into such a horrible position that I feel the only way to get help is to allow other people who have a lot more than I do, to have MY EGGS.

All of a sudden, I started thinking about sweatshops overseas and people who are starving who work for fat ass companies and CEOs in the U.S. for a few dollars a week because THEY are between a rock and a hard place and have NO OTHER options.

The sad thing, is that I am supposedly an American citizen.

I have a right to have gainful employment and fucking housing and it is NOT my fault if I have tried and cannot get this HERE. I also have a right to MY SON and what has been done is ILLEGAL.

To get him back, I've had all kinds of reeeaaaally nifty offers from others.


If you are pressuring a woman who is in a bad position to squeeze out an egg, in exchange for basic civil rights and justice help, then whoever wants that egg to begin with, shouldn't be having any kids and maybe God is trying to say something.

I am not saying that's the case in general, that it's anyone's fault if they can't have kids, not at all...but when I find out about THIS kind of shit, I think whoever can't have kids, can't have them because the world is being spared another asshole that would be raised by assholes. Or maybe someone who works with the government thinks it would be a really cool experiment to combine my genetic material with someone else's who they think is "special" in some way, and see what kind of frankenstein they get.

I was shocked, because I gave my laptop to a Mormon guy (who is fine) and then the lawyer I was seeing was Mormon, and I don't know if one talked to the other or one works with FBI (I know this laptop man DOES) and communicated to someone to not even help me with HOUSING unless I agreed to give up one of my own eggs, but that's what happened.

I was offered, in an email, $3,500 for an egg donation and then right after that the lawyer wrote in to say he would only help me if I paid him $3,500.

Everyone here knows I've been prevented from working, and kept out of a job, and they all know the housing matter was deliberate and malicious, and was discrimination and immediately affected my custody case. They knew I didn't have my unemployment money and they knew I didn't have FAFSA money, and then next thing I know, I have people refusing to help me secure the American BASICS and trying to extort me instead. Wait. Maybe it's just exploitation. Let me look up the word "extortion".

Oh, here we go, the definition of exploitation by the U.S. Department of Defense. See next post.

Back to this situation with my son...It appears some of the Catholics hate me just because or bc some small group really convinced some I was against their church, some of the Jewish just because I made a complaint inthe past maybe and bc of other ties I've had, and then in general the Protestants haven't helped at all because over here they're conservative and regularly allow single mothers to have their children taken because they have old-fashioned and unbiblical beliefs that single mothers can't raise kids. I would have thought the same people who helped those in the child sex abuse case would be likely to help me, but I heard a large group that helped were the Mormons. I guess the Mormons here like to help 2-parent families and just take the kids and the eggs of 1-parent families. Silvana is Mormon and was one of the first to try to tell ME I couldn't possibly raise my own child as a single mother and I should give my kid up for adoption. That was when I was still pregnant. So I had people "hunting" for reasons to take my son from me, from the very beginning because they're running a baby market over here. Then I find out later, Silvana works for the state and for CPS. No one made any complaints against me then. They waited, I guess, until they thought my son was old enough to be weaned from his mother and then tried to steal him by force after harassing us and allowing horrible things to happen.

It started, strangely when I look back, with a Mormon face like Silvana's. Now, it's ending with a different Mormon face, who basically refuses to even help on something that doesn't cost $3,500 but knowing to get that amount I'd have to give up eggs, and that I just got an offer to do this.

SO, the support I thought I would get, from unlikely places, does NOT exist here. Prove me wrong.

It is shocking enough to have discovered what I now know.

Either the Mormons are a part of the problem here, and have always been, or they like to "coordinate" with other government persons to get an egg out of me so someone can attempt to create their cute little genius or talented or psychic or guinea pig child.

My best friend, who is Mormon, would, I think, be STUNNED to hear what's been happening. He has been shocked already that the Mormon church wouldn't help me at all. Very shocked.

What's even sicker, is that the last person I stayed with, who the state apparently knew about and wanted me to stay with (and did horrible things there as well, with his abusive conduct and yelling to keep me up late so I couldn't function--favors for the state), anyway, THAT guy claims to be psychic and has military parents and always wanted to experiment and "tutor" me in it. I said no thanks because he was a NUT. But he TOLD me he basically travelled to Seattle for the purpose of "creating a child" with some woman he didn't even know. All for science. Or some government worker or someone.

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