Monday, July 5, 2010

images and other & license plates (seattle)

I need to print things out for my case but everything is closed. So basically, I need a continuance.

I had something to eat for lunch and sat out in the sun to allow my jeans to dry (I washed them by hand and then put them on still wet because I didn't want to wait for them in the dryer).

I had a jar of green-pimento olives for breakfast. 25 calories, all from fat. I had about 225 calories from fat this morning.

While I sat outside I tried to think of images but nothing to mind. Even when I tried, it wasn't flowing. I seriously question it all bc it just didn't feel right.

Last night I sang and played guitar and it definitely flowed and felt the presence there. But today with thinking about things, I got a few impressions but there were not flashes of images at all.

To test it out I asked about royal family stuff but I felt it wasn't right. Too many contradictions. I didn't ask specific questions, just in general, what were they doing at the time and I felt it wasn't correct because of inconsistency.

1:03--laying in the sun on a towel. then sitting in a lawnchair that had white arms and was plastic or something. then playing tennis but it couldn't have been him because the hair was too floppy and it was more dark blond and the guy was younger i think. the tennis player, or maybe it wasn't tennis but a sport where you jump up and reach out, reached out his own right hand while lunging and jumping to one side and had on mid-thigh shorts.

1:08 hand on a stick (but I felt this was intuitive or my imagination, and at first thought, thought a flying vehicle but then thought it could be anything if anything at all. something about currently practicing projection of thoughts. saw a sort of one eyebrow raised-smirk or smile while under dappled light under trees.

I don't know if this was him, but something panama canal next.

then, I don't know that it was him, but someone having s., facing forward, not sure if it was porn or reality or someone else completely and saw no woman or parts (maybe it wasn't sex but some other activity?) but sort of angry or if not angry, very intense and facing head on as if someone else was head-on that I couldn't see and going from hand-knee pos. I only write this bc I'm sure it fits something that someone was either doing or watching at the time. That was at about 1:15 or so. So probably someone else.

Queen E. 1:15, just eating or drinking something. nothing really.

then random...not about anyone in and then "one foot in the saddle" which I think was to mean stirrups. then something toronto but i wondered tonto. something snitzer-doodles (not snicker-doodles) and "compound projection".

then guy turning head with baseball hat on and dark sunglasses, grinning. then a dark, maybe black military style jet coming directly at me, or straight on as if from a screen or like a movie. That was at around 2:25 p.m.

Then I asked for something important and got
"And they that waited on the Lord..."
and the verse came to mind about they that wait on the lord shall renew their strength. 2:26. At 2:28 something about "continuum", said by someone maybe conversation, lecture, speech, reading.
Anyway, it didn't seem to fit. Most of it I felt was maybe my imagination.

I have to find a place where I can sit down and really do research bc where I'm at, I'm standing up and I can't get anything done like this.************
I sensed, after writing this, that someone I care about really loves me. Got that without trying for anything, just came to me in a thought or idea.
Yesterday I didn't get anything really except at one point I had this strange feeling that if I saw P. William I would start to cry but I believe it had to do with his mom and it was just a very brief thought. I am not sure unless it's something about his life that's going on or something about his mother but I don't think "mouketeer" was it, so not sure.

I did hear on the news about the Queen visiting the UN today? or soon. Yesterday I was doing a lot of research about the UN.

I also finally got to read an email from my mother today and talked to my aunt about my son, but the tooth thing really bothers me. My son showed me something else that had happened to him on a separate occasion, which I hadn't written about and he just needs protection and I don't think the Avilas or someone has their eyes on my son 24-7. I don't care if he's going somewhere with one person, anytimg he is alone and not with me, he is not with his mother and no one cares for him and looks out for him the way I do.

Like Nancy Schaefer has said, the biological family is typically (not always) the one which will best protect the child.

Anyway, I don't have time to write about this and other things.

Yesterday was strange in the sense that this man, who said he was from Seattle, really went out of his way to cause problems. No one else, to my knowledge, did. He introduced himself to me as "Philip Stevens" and I didn't know why he said this because I didn't feel it was true. I had an impression he was repsonsible for something and then later got it confirmed. His plate were Washington, and 084 ZST unless he was opening up someone else's vehicle. I had a feeling even the car might not have been his but he was tall, had lt. brown/greyish hair and was in his 40s at least and lean and wore glasses and he knew who I was.

Then I had something else happen, but all later. Have info but will put it down another time.

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