Saturday, July 3, 2010

Images & U.S. Abuse Of My Son

I have had a lot of images, but some of it is genuinely, I think, the natural gift, and some of it is more technology influenced or sort of "infiltrated" by a(some) sender(s).

Which sounds weird to most people but is valid to those who understand this.

Without my laptop I've been unable to document things. I think it's strange it froze up and went down when it did, because why would the group that's been tampering with it, leave it alone until then?

I have also had some of the burning stuff and am worried about my son because there are weirdos talking about this or talking about cuts and cutting and I have no way to check on my son, which is what the U.S. wants. My visitation was cut off prior to July 4th and my son's visit cancelled.

I feel the U.S. seems to want to allow me and my son to suffer, and make a point of abusing the justice system. People have also used federal holidays to deprive my son of justice.

Now, I have this Prosecuting Attorney sitting in on the hearings now and then, and grinning over at the Judge, and he said he does things for misdemeanors and DUIs for Douglas County. I thought maybe he was just interested in my case, but I have been thinking, since I've been falsely arrested in this area TWICE, as a means of keeping me from (1st case: filing for bankruptcy and moving on a personal injury claim where I was to be compensated $50,000, and 2ndly, to prevent me from starting work at a high-end restaurant in Seattle where I would have made enough money to pay for a private attorney) getting anything done...

I feel that someone must be thinking the perfect way to prevent me from obtaining records and holding people accountable, or appealing my case with regard to my son, would be to attempt to falsely charge me again.

Maybe that's not the case, and there is nothing to charge me with, but I imagine someone could attempt to come up with something to either try to distract me or block me from getting things taken care of. Maybe trying to assess whether it's a good idea or not, or whether I would be deemed competent or mentally ill.

I might be totally wrong, but it isn't strange for me to be paranoid about false accusations and false arrest, when it's happened twice before, and has been done to deliberately obstruct me from attending to other legal matters.
So far, I have not received any of the police records I requested. I have also NEVER, to date, received the records from the State that I requested. I have made several written requests, documented, for my entire records from all DHSH departments from the last 4 years (before birth of my son to present--everything) and they've not given me anything. I have never received the DISCOVERY, the full discovery that I requested, from the state. Never, and there is zero evidence that they gave me this discovery either, because they didn't and they never filled my request and I never signed for it. Under public records law, I don't have to make a formal motion for discovery of papers and documentation the state has regarding my person. I made a public records request before I ever left with my son for Canada. I have made several since. They never once sent this to me and have nothing in their files confirming that they even tried. My request was simply not processed. The state sent me some documents, far too late, that I requested, but never sent anything complete as I had requested through a public records request. No Motion to Compel was necessary, I don't think, because they were required to follow through--by law, per laws governing records requests...maybe I'm wrong and if so, they evidence they had something to hide before they ever removed my son.
I've had a lot of images but I've been unable to document without my laptop.

I was able to accurately guess a lot of things recently, around someone, to where my accuracy was said to be around 70% or better and when I doubted, I got a better independent confirmation. One of the last things he said was that I wasn't "phoney" and I said, no, I didn't think I was phoney. I wasn't always very "pretty" (have my flaws inside and out) but I didn't think I was very phoney either. Later I wondered if he meant, "phoney" as in a phoney psychic or a person but I took it to mean as a person in general. I guessed something was wrong with this man's pinkie fingers and he said yes but I doubted until I could hear the popping for myself. It was totally abnormal and was a confirmation that he wasn't just telling me I was right about things.

With one older man on the bus, I guessed something about termite control and he said when he was 12 years old as a boy he did this for his father, who tore down and renovated houses.
There was one particular day that I kept getting images of torture. I saw hangings with rope, of slashes down a back, of a man forced to stand upright with his wrists cuffed in these black iron cuffs with long chain, from post to post or wall to wall, and forced to stand upright by these cuff and chains. The most grutesque one was of a spike being forced from above someone's head, driven down through the center of the skull. It was steel or some kind of metal and drove right into the center of the head. It was long and came from the ceiling. I don't see or watch horror movies or books or anything and I have never heard of or seen anything like it. It was like something from middle ages, or witch hunts, or deep south slavery days or maybe even some horrible experiments by govt. on civilians or prisoners. I don't know. It could have also been a series of shots that did not all go together, but I had them all, in separate segments, within an hour.

I also saw a hand or some kind of claw and clawing backwards. The next day I read something in a legal memo from the WA Bar, about "clawback" and wondered what that meant, but the image was in the middle of other torture things so I assumed it wasn't symbolic.

I looked at the beds in the room, which looked like old mental health iron bed frames and wondered who had stayed there, or what I was picking up. It wasn't a premonition of things to come but more like something from the past, even a form of medevil torture, but it seemed like it either was past or at that moment current, or someone waas flashing still photos to me somehow. I also saw a wooden cross ablaze with fire and falling backwards. I have never seen images of torture before. I guess crime of kinds, and never with faces, but this time it was more like actual torture and I wondered if it was overseas and where this could take place. I didn't see any faces, just the idea of what was happening or had happened.

I thought, seeing this thing with the spike, that nothing like that should happen to anyone, no matter what country or who they are.
Last night I was lying down and for the last 2 days or so, there has been the benign twitching so someone either gave me something, or it's technology-induced, or I need to have electrolytes checked, but my guess is tech induced and others have been wondering about these things too.

I was lying outside under the sun in a park, waiting for a bus, and all of these images flashed through mind. But then I was pretty sure someone sent one and that it was intentional and "staged" or something because the individuals looked just like, or had the impression of being P. Willy & Kate.

I hadn't been thinking about any of them at all. And the other thoughts were not of them but then it went to something about having "clear skin" and all of a sudden, this intimate image flashed up and it was only either porn or it was real. It seemed current-time and real but then I thought, "no" bc someone could have even projected a still photo to me that looked like them but wasn't.

The other day, before I saw where this guy with the bad pinkies lived, I told him I saw a river from an aerial view, like a snapshot. He said he used to take photos of such rivers from a helicopter and I saw it in photo form but then there was a painting of almost the same thing too, in the hall where he lived.

I also did my turning over the Bible thing, with eyes closed, and it wasn't mine but belonged to someone else and I somehow knew, 9 out of 10 times, when it was upside down, even with eyes closed, and then would right it and found it was upright. I would almost open it up and then sense it was upside down and flip it over and then open it. I wasn't paying attention to direction I moved it around with my eyes closed either, it was totally random, but this other guy was also psychic and if he thought it was upside down maybe I picked up on his thought rather than knowing for myself and then turned it.

I thought the intimate flash could have been intentional bc of the position or suggestion it came with. As soon as I got it though, my eyes snapped open and I sat upright, looked at my watch, and decided it was time to go and not see those things. It was at 5:35 p.m. PST, last night.

It was of sitting on a bed I think or some ground, but probably first idea was a bed and maybe the cover was cream or ivory or white and I didn't see a lot of color. He was sitting and she was over him, sitting on top of his legs with hers around, and facing him in this sitting position and had her hair down and it was long, straight, layered, and brown-dark brown. She wore a negligee that was sort of sheer or see through or light in some way, and like a short negligee type and it was cream, ivory, or white. It was a flimsy floaty thing and solid color. I didn't notice sleeves really, just the body of it was sort of light and sheer. It seemed to be daylight but could have been the lighting in the room. He was blond or dark blond. Both of them were tall and lean and Caucasian. He didn't have anything on and she had on the negligee. The angle I saw was a partial side angle. He was sort of facing me and her back to me but it was more 3/4 because I could see more than front-back. So if I was more seeing her back, and his chest, she had her head sort of to the right, to his shoulder that was on my right, if looking at a still photo. I didn't see movement but I had this impression it was W and K for some reason.

It seemed to be this scene of intimacy but then I thought maybe someone sent me a still shot to imply this to me for some reason, or wanted me to think it was them for some reason. I have been able to pick up on such things before so I wondered.

It seemed like people, not porn for some reason. And then when this came to mind, I just snapped out of it, from shock, and sat up and got up and walked away and then I walked to this cafe where they were playing the James Taylor song "You've Got A Friend" and had this menu with NY steak w/mushrooms and even had creme brulee. I couldn't stay, but a waitress there, who came up, was the same one I gave the lucky penny too. She had on this peach summer dress with sort of a checkered pattern that reminded me of one I used to have when I was about 18.

The flash of the bedroom scene was strange because one minute I was seeing something very normal and everyday and then the next, something about clear skin and then WHAM, that shot.

Good Golly Miss Molly.
Then this OTHER guy who was with Pinky Guy, I guessed a couple of things about him as well, not too much, just that he had just one child, a daughter, and then one other thing, which isn't coming to mind ...oh, a tent, a large one with a steep pitch at the top and then he described the shape and it was exactly what I saw.

One thing that was sort of funny was that yesterday I ran into some people I didn't know well but we were chatting and I joked around saying, "You know what just came to mind? I know what you guys could do for fun...for a break" and they said what and I said, "YOU guys should go to the WATERSLIDES."

And it ended up being the most random thing, because they both started laughing and said they had phobias about the waterslides and hadn't been back since they were kids, when one was so fat he got stuck in the tunnel and they had stop everyone and close it down to pull him out and then SHE said she had been stuck in a tire and was afraid and somehow ended up pulling in 4 adult staff workers in with her, at the age of 11. Neither one of them had been to the waterslides ever since.

It was so funny. I said maybe it could be reverse psychology or a way to get out of a phobia, to return to the source of the fear.

I looked up the Russian spy thing, because I was curious about the redhead and wondered if she looked like ME at all and if I had ever been mistaken for HER or another worker and when I looked her up I could see a resemblance but I'm still not sure why some have thought certain things about me.

I care about my son and want him back.

My son and I should not be subjected to any form of interrogation or experimentation or gang violence or other mind control thing, should this have ever been the case, and I am willing to contract with any govt. really, to do more experimentation that is not harmful, for only me, and on a contract basis. However, I'm not being paid currently and my flow of discussion about this is going to end at some point and there will be little feedback and discovery of what is or isn't working, from me. I've already been validated enough to show I'm not nuts. But I should be compensated and the U.S. never had a legal right to remove my son and what they did was kidnapping and we should not even be going through this court process when that is the case.

It should be investigated as a crime of kidnapping, under the guise of authority, not as a civil matter for the disposal of the state, and my son should be returned to his mother at once.
The other thing...

In the hearing, for custody of my son, at one point, I poured myself a cup of water, the first time of the day and the secretary (Jo Jackson I guess) had left the lid unscrewed so the lid fell off and water dumped out onto the table and all over my papers...

I took out some tissues from the tissue box and scrubbed the table and my papers. When I used them on the table, it made a loud squeaking noise. First, everyone looked at what had happened and looked guilty. Then I kept scrubbing the table. Squeak, squeak, squeak, and the Judge started to look annoyed so then I sat down and put the tissues in a crumpled ball in front of me. The guard leaned over and said, "Can I take that for you?" and I handed it to him saying, as the transcriptionist was typing away, "It's not a tire, but it still squeaks."

Then I met this guy on the bus who lived next to some big tub of something that said "grease spot."

I thought about how my comment looked on the transcript, but I think everyone there inferred what I meant:

The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Don't fucking leave the lid off of your waterpot and screw with my papers, or I will be left to clean up after the mess your negligence or deliberate malicious intent created.

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