Thursday, July 15, 2010

IRS Fraud & Wenatchee's Susan Adams & Lamers Fam

I just told the IRS I am asking for an investigation into IRS fraud. I realized why I've been having problems though...I've been getting people from Seattle supposedly. However, there is no documentation in their records that I called them after March 26, 2010, when I did, on a number of occasions. The man whose ID I wrote down, who said he was sending a letter out to my former employer to get my W-2, made no notation and there is no documentation of it.

I talked to "Murray" with ID# 7513425 at about 3:00 p.m. or later and then he transferred me to Henson at 020097. He said this was an "accountant". So I was talking to her at Skillsource, after the Executive Director Dave said to go ahead and make a call, and then got disconnected and right after this, Susan Adams came storming up after she'd been listening in to my entire phone call. She came over to me with Heidi Lamers standing there and said, "Your call is over--Leave now or we'll call police."

Heidi Lamers is the woman who I got an impression of, being very "active". I never used her last name but I guess her entire family was pissed, because her husband and son came over for the showdown.

I said my call had been disconnected and then I said I was leaving. I left immediately and then called Rivercom about being harassed unnecessarily.

I filled out a public records request form as they get most of their money from the federal government. Susan Adams has gone out of her way to obstruct me from taking care of basic things. This other man there, Lee Henrickson, is the man who was riding a bike past me yesterday or the day before, doing a weird mocking thing and wearing a sweatshirt that said "B.U.M." on it. He has done some really weird things in the past.

THREE cop cars came out and I asked what was going on, and guess how the main champs handled it? They had me talk to one cop, and then a totally different cop talked to the other people and then they came back to me and said "you're trespassed". I said, "For what? I've done nothing. And what about my claim of being harassed?" and then the guy, "Kellog" said, "There's 2 sides to a story."

So I guess their side "won" when, funny, Kellog and his SARGE didn't even hear MY side.

Doesn't that sound great? "Heeeey duuuude...there's TWWWOO sides to a story and yeah, Ma'am, I never even HEARD YOUR side, but I choose....uh....eenie meenie minie, MO...I choose MO MOney." Mo Money Adams.

Then Kellog stayed behind for a long time laughing it up with Susan. A LONG time. They were laughing and Susan was actually clapping her hands together. It was quite the sight.

I told Kellog and Sgt. Britt, "If there are 2 sides, then you would find evidence backs up MY side because you just told me they said they were asking me to leave for 2 hours and I was using the phone the whole time and all anyone has to do is confirm what time the Executive Director was called, and then line it up next to when I called the IRS and then called Rivercom and they're all back to back with no gap time to have anyone claiming I was being asked to leave and refused to leave or that I was being disruptive in any way at all."

Kellog's grin disappeared. He knew I was right. But he didn't care, and said the same people who had just discriminated against me in allowing me to use services which the public is provided (federal money) and then harassed me--supposedly these people get to make me look like a problem but the officers, all three of them, refused to give me the case number of take down my complaint.

The police here have refused to take down even one report I've made, of any of the theft, or of vandalism, or harassment, or assault.

One cop said he went up to the house to check on the vandalism thing but no one was there (because he was probably up at my aunt and uncle's house tormenting my son instead).

That's the most that anyone has done.

I then went to an office right after the police came out and I called the IRS again and called and got an intake person at ID 3505910 and then a woman in "accounts" by the name "Batneck" (how she pronounced it), "Batinik" # 0705215 and she harassed me, stalling, saying she couldn't fax anything to confirm my request of a letter going out, then saying she couldn't transfer me anywhere and then telling me maybe my former place of work went out of business or is in bankruptcy and then saying she's from Seattle, WA. I said, "Oh, that's why."

Most of the people I've ended up talking to are black. I don't know why and I don't know what the deal is, but the guy who said he was sending out a letter for me was, and there is now no documentation and all the women I got today were African American. I don't know what's going on and the only reason I wonder about nationality or race is if it's one person or group or what. When I had problems on the East Coast with their unemployment offices, it was mainly the same thing. I got some guy from the Caribbean who was great, but it's like these people have to be from a different country.

I said if there is no record of any of my calls or of anyone sending out a letter, then the IRS needed to be investigated for fraud.

So I said I was going to file a report to have someone look into the matter and investigate the IRS for fraud and hiring criminals for employees. I asked the woman from "Seattle" today if the last call was documented and she said no. I had just been saying to the police and to this other guy, before talking to her, that I document things to keep track and then she tells me there's no documentation.

Believe me, there is. The IRS doesn't tell you they might be monitoring or recording your calls without a reason. They have it on the record, they just don't want to tell you about it.


  1. When are you going to post more pictures of yourself?

  2. Dear Admirer or Provacateur,

    See next post.

  3. Always nice to see a beautiful smile with a well writen blog.

    Thank you.
