Friday, July 16, 2010

Judge Nakata On "Good Luck" Anti-Harassment Claims

Judge Nakata today represented Ms. Michelle Erickson in a hearing against me for anti-harassment order.

I will fill in the details but I asked for a copy of the audio recording.

She wanted to admit evidence for Michelle with no notice but refused a reasonable continuance to me to admit evidence showing Michelle lies and perjures herself in a court of law.

I also found out the person who I first called police about harassing me, a Tony Block (who has had an unhealthy interest in this case from Day One) is now assigned to be my social worker.

Then, a couple of times, this Judge was throwing out a "Good Luck" to certain persons and something seemed really strange to me, for the first time.

It was like there are certain individuals she feels it's in her best interest to be friendly with or "wink" with. I don't know what that's about.

She tried to ban me from writing anything that would "annoy" Erickson when it's Erickson who puts herself in a position of reading my blog.

Erickson has put herself into my physical and other space on a regular basis and then this Judge wanted to pick a "story" to run with, when she knew I had evidence against Michelle which would exonerate me.

Then, Nakata threatened to hold me "in contempt of court" without any cause or reason.

The Judge also told me I could not go to the State offices for public services except to see my son, for "4 more visits" as Michelle told the court there was only 4 more scheduled (in honor of my Ex I guess). Seriously, it's getting really sick.

Then, right at the end of the hearing, after Michelle said she was terrified of me and not my case worker anymore, went to the desk where I was sitting and put a business card on my table. I said, on the record, "Your Honor, who just put a business card on my desk?" For some reason, Nakata hesitated in saying who, on the record. It was Erickson. She put a card on my desk that said "DSHS Community Services: Customer Connection" and did this after the Judge ruled in HER favor, as a sort of triumphant gesture.

If that's not harassment, when the act was unnecessary, I don't know what is. And that's just a very small piece of Wenatchee "justice". Oh, I guess the "4" is for Wenatchee Offices, for all I know. On the back of the card it says, "Wenatchee Community Services Office, Office Number 4."

These people are seriously screwed up.

I'm taking this one outside of the county and contesting this and the manner in which this hearing was held. I've allowed too many people to file something against me and win just because I was too traumatized and in shock to respond adequately.

This one is not going to go away, because I am tired of being harassed myself, by people lying about me.

It will be the gift that keeps giving, I guess. I also have to go back and file anti-harassment notices on both Erickson and this Tony Block. A couple of others, but one at a time, with my evidence backing me up.

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