Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Key For "Howard Robert Baldwin"

I guess I was thinking the key I was given was close to the Edward Howard name but it's more like my uncles name and my Dad's name. It is for P.O. Box 2084, and the number on the key is 13957, which is not the box I got and this is the key that was in my bag.

This is probably the same key that the guard at Douglas County Courthouse got and was why all the state workers kept asking me if I'd checked my key or what my P.O. Box number is.

As far as I know, this was done by the same former housemate that Michelle Erickson knows. If my mail isn't in my proper box, as someone else obviously stole the key for that, there is no way I could receive my mail from the IRS for W-4 which would help me process my unemployment claim, or any legal mail or other. I specifically gave the IRS my box number and actually, I think they are the only ones I knew I was getting mail from. I made the call from the Skillsource center, where one worker there has given me the impression that they would willingly work with someone against me. He rode by me yesterday with a big smile on his face and wearing a B.U.M. sweatshirt.

If he overheard how I was getting my IRS form, because of using that phone there, or if someone else did, they could have gotten into my bag and switched up my keys just to keep me from getting this processed and putting me on my feet financially until I had work.
I would have to think about it though. I would have to think, because it might have been someone else who put that key in my bag and I'd have to think about where I've left my bag and who has rummaged through it.

I am also wondering if I got the person right for a date rape which occured that Wenatchee police knew about and were aware of. So far, the treatment I've received since trying to figure this out has been ostracization by the so-called woman's domestic violence center. This group has pushed out claims by me, not helped with them, and they work for the state more than their clients. Their main client IS the state from what I'm figuring out.
I looked up the name Baldwin and see a JC Balwin (lawyer in Cashmere) and a William Balwin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

J C Baldwin is not a lawyer, I personally know her.