Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New York? More Harassment & Technology--State Cannot Have Custody

It hasn't been so busy lately but a little harassment on the streets today, people driving by. Really unbelievable. I can't imagine what some of these people go through, that have to deal with this all the time.

It doesn't matter what happens, because this case should not go forward at all. If it does, I have to file for a stay pending appeal. But I hope it doesn't go that far.

I'm not sure how the government expects me to part with my son and thinks they can have custody of MY Child, which means the STATE is the one with power to allow anything to happen to Oliver. This kind of power is wrong and it has been political in my case.

I have evidence that my MAIL is not safe, with government offices. I have evidence of this. I also have evidence of collusion and have been keeping records. I think state and government people want to displace blame and say they are not responsible, but I have evidence of the connections they've made to keep me out of livlikhood and housing and then out of even my normal mail delivery.
Today, a lot of peolpe harassed me, but I think I am learning to be more discerning. For example, I am not writing down every single thing (which I didn't before either) but if if something strikes me a certain way, I might. If it seems more than odd. But, for example, I used to think the big ones to go after were the priciest cars because if THEY were harasing me they had money too. However, while some of this is true, rich people (some) harass as easily as poor or middle class and they may have never been involved with violent or illegal things. It is legal to be a bitch. I am thankful myself, for that right, once in awhile. So I am trying to learn. Today this woman did a really weird thing in her brand new Mercedes and I was tempted to write down her plates but no, she wasn't important in the grand scheme of things and I knew it.

On the other hand, when I have a couple driving by, stalking and following me, with plates from New York, I have to wonder why they came all the way over here to pay any attention to me. If they're mocking me besides, I think it's right to wonder. The driver was a blond male and I don't know his affiliation but I intuited the woman, who was brunette, I had a feeling she was Jewish. It doesn't matter, but I wondered why they were coming all the way over here. License plates 647GYR (New York). It was a nonchalant happy sort of mocking, as if they just thought I was amusing, at best. Dangerous? Didn't get that vibe, but wondered why they cared about me at all.

Then, a car went by with some blond guy who did strike me as a little off somehow but I don't know if I caught the plates right: Washington 384 TCP. Then, an SUV of older men I think but I wondered why they thought everything was so, likewise, satisfying and amusing. A very contented, cat ate the canary but is a very bad cat kind of look. LCJCT (WA plates).

Also today, right after my visit with my son, this man who I've seen more than once and yet he and his woman said they are from out of the area. WA plates: AAV3864.

So later tonight, it was right after I was telling myself it's not always the rich who are important, that a woman went by in a pale blue SUV and when she passed, she was hispanic, and I felt that thing with my heart. It wasn't my heart naturally because I don't have organic problems or inherited issues. It was technology and the only thing I could figure out, is that it was this mother-under-cover or it was some men from a restaurant to the side. But it directly affected my heart. It was the same thing that these others have done, with the technology stuff. Where it came from, I'm not totally sure but I think it was from that woman as this came to mind right before it happened.

And today I had another incidence of having something come to mind and then finding it was right there around the corner. I was looking for rings for my son and then bouncy balls came to mind and I brought it up to the clerk and then said, "Well, I guess bouncy balls are too small for a visitation room" and I had, at that moment, the right size of ball come to mind, that I thought my son would like to toss around. Right then, I turned away from the display with the bouncy balls, and right in my path, wedged partway under a rim, was the bouncy ball. It was blue and the perfect size. No other balls around. I didn't care what color, it was the right size and type that came to mind. I picked it up, and said, "This is what I wanted!" and it was like someone put it right there for me. This older man and woman saw this and acted like a house of bricks might fall any minute. They stared at eachother and then at me, picking up that ball. I wondered if they were military or psychic types of course, bc why would they notice the coincidence?

It was another example of what happened in the library the other day, where a specific object of desire came to mind--Thomas the Tank books in Easy Reader format, and then I go a couple of feet, and there they are. Amazing.

I looked for GAK, the farting noise stuff, but they were out of it. So I DID find some silly putty, which I wanted and got. And I got my son a ring, because his broke and got a little girl's opinion on what was the most like a boy. I also got him some Winnie the Pooh stickers and stamps, and a Winnie the Pooh puzzle. Oh, and some glitter glue.

I got him this Winnie the Pooh stuff because I also bought some honey, and a honey stirrer, and honeycomb for him. I thought it would be fun to do a pooh-with-his- honey theme. I bought this Maluka honey which is really high in antioxidants, from New Zealand, and then regular raw honeycomb and one of those oval little wooden honey sticks.

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