Friday, July 30, 2010

more "sender" stuff

I thought I would add, for fun, something I tried out on a sender level.

This housemate has been stepping on my feet a lot, trying to get by at night, to use the restroom. The first thing I thought, was something I said to myself but not in my head to him. I said, "Don't tread on me." But I only thought it to myself and not directed as a wish or thought to him in particular.

Then I had the times where I unconsciously or subconsciously anticipated what was going to happen even when he wasn't moving around--I somehow knew the thought that came a split second before the action, possibly, and I don't know how.

So then last night I almost had my toes stepped on and moved first. Then, I knew there was potential for it to happen and instead of thinking something to myself I directed my thought immediately to him as "Do not step on me" and he was just about to and then all of sudden, drew in his breath and quit. I did it each time and he didn't do it, not once even though he kept moving back and forth. He completely quit and I feel it's the first successful sender thing I've done.

The difference was that before it was more of an idle idea or thought progression and then what changed is that I made a command and directed it to him and somehow he got it.

I don't know if he read my mind, because sometimes I have thought he has this capacity, or if it just worked on a different level. I don't know.

Sometimes, he will be talking and I will start thinking about something intensely and it's like he'lll pause almost like he is distracted by what I'm thinking. It sounds strange but he's traveled all over the world and in decent miliatry positions and it's not impossible he had some kind of assignment we don't know about. Twice, I have started thinking about a topic and it has thrown him off of whatever he was talking about and I'm not doing anything different and appear to be listening the same way as before. At least, I've noticed this. It has happened two different times when I have been thinking intensely about princess Diana, for example. I started thinking about her appreciatively and thought, "I reeaaally LOVE Diana. Diana, I just love you." and all of a sudden, he cuts off and looks at me perplexed as if I said this dramatic thing out loud. He's probably getting as much as "I love you" and wondering what in the hell I'm thinking about.

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