Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Opinion on Colton

I don't think the FBI was trying to catch him very hard. I think they wanted to follow him and see what he could do and probably, the CIA also had an interest in him. I highly doubt he was impossible to apprehend all this time. The most telling evidence is that Colton had a computer with him. I'm sorry, but in today's age of technology, it is impossible to be undetected if you're using a laptop, even with great hacking skills.

I also think it's a little weird that they amped up the manhunt right after I said I met him once.

At any rate, to do so much stealing and be on the run must mean something is going on with him. I don't think he did for sheer thrills and not just to profit either. I think there must have been something else going on. Unfortunately for him, his private life is over. They will psycho-analyze the hell out of him and make him do I.Q. tests too. I don't know if it would be better, in his case, to play dumb or not.

The fact that he was willing to kill himself basically tells me he wasn't just doing this for kicks. People don't steal things and then decide to kill..well, being willing to take the risk to steal things a lot also implies a more laissez-faire attitude at life, but let me think...I've never thought about him before, and I've had a drink so I don't know how great my psychic feelers are but I want to try...and if I'm wrong I'm wrong and I testify myself that I am NOT always right and no one should assume I am unless they hear a confirmation from that person.
Well I don't think I'm right bc I didn't concentrate and pray and clear my mind very well. I could be mixing him up with psychic wires with someone else too.

I got an impression, not image, but just idea of him when he was younger or past or present, with knees folded and arms bent with hands on face. Like elbows on knees and then hands on face, upset about something. Got an impression of someone pulling one of his legs and dragging him when he was younger, (i think) out from under something or in their direction. I don't know why the pulling of the leg. Just one leg.

I guess I should have tried for more but I am tired and got too curious so I looked up wiki. They allege some abuse and I haven't heard this before but something about his father or a male figure did come to mind, however, I thought it was intuitive and not psychic, because I hear about his mom in the news and never a father.

After reading this though, I feel maybe I got something right, strange enough. I don't know if there would be one specific incident that was traumatizing or if this happened repeatedly, but I saw someone dragging him out by one of his legs. I shouldn't say "saw" was more of an impression than an image but it was one leg.

I thought, the arms folded and knees crouched position indicated some problems in school, in being accepted while going through things at home. I think he must have felt betrayed by the government and people, to be willing to do what he did and then not care about laws.

For some reason, I get the impression just now, of him being hit over the head too. Not so much on the butt, like a spanking, but being hit on the head but maybe it's my imagination now.

I think his care about animals was either sort of a joke or sincere empathy for living things, having gained empathy through knowledge that came with suffering from his own abuse.

I think he did some things which were illegal and wrong but someone should make a plea for him. Not to make him the exception either. Because there are a lot of neglected or abused kids, or they've been ostracized by others and targeted for some reason, and instead of punishing these children for what damages were incurred by negligence and lack of care of the state, the state owes them an apology. The state should bear the cross, not the child.

In my brief lazy moment of asking to see something, all I got was the idea of him with his legs bent and sitting outside with hands to face and then something about being pulled out by one leg by someone. I sort of had the impression, of the one idea that came to mind, of something that happened when he was over the age of 4, like longer legs by that time, not so much a toddler as little kid. Between 5-13 maybe I don't know.

I just reread and noted there was an absence of a father so maybe that was part of it. Maybe it was someone he stole from that hit him on the head or pulled him by his leg, I don't know.

I guess he was facing a 3 yr. sentence for theft so that looks like this is when he went on the run. In April of 2008.

I still think it's strange that he was left alone for 3 yrs and then within days of MY saying he looked familiar and maybe I'd met him, the Seattle FBI is all over his ass. No, i blogged, "I met him--he's nice." So that would lead Seattle to think there was some knowledge and NICE, nice, nice, how they put up a $10,000 reward for information on his capture.

Fuck you. YOUR agency is what I'm "capturing" next, and it's going out of your jurisdiction this time.

And yeah, the Colombians have very good manners. But I'm not an idiot. I know what was going on with my Ex and my SON has suffered because of it. I want my son, period, and I'm sure some people are pissed they could jail ME to shut ME up.

Right about the time I'm revealing I know some group has been up to no good with triggering my migraines. Tricked ya. All we have to do, is figure out who was so interested in my menstrual cycles so as to try to trigger migraine in me and schedule my legal hearings to occur at the same time.

I was hiding tampons. I was lying to doctors. I made you THINK I was having a period when I wasn't, and at a different time than I was and I fucking CAUGHT up to the "truth".

Hello Ann & Hello Michelle.
Anyway, someone should ask Colton, out of curiousity, about some incident of being dragged out or having someone pull him by one of his legs. If he remembers and what happened.

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