Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Update About Pad Thai Incident & Harassment

I need to clarify so I have things clear and don't just leave it "as is".

One thing, is that I don't appreciate those who professionally engage in mind control, using me in a public forum and then also engaging total novices in this.

Most of the people I've met have been military, if they're not from Virginia. I feel like I could not just go to a restaurant and have a normal dinner like a normal person because of people loudly using tactics to try to get me to change course.

I wonder if anyone has ever been able to relate to manipulation.

I mean, why did that even arise to being any kind of a big deal at all? Normally, one isn't harassed with loud talk about kidnapping and murder, and then seeing a nod-off from a second group to acknowledge the "work" of the first group. Then, I couldn't even refuse a Pad Thai like I have in the past. I was polite and would not usually make a big deal about it. In fact, I continued to eat a couple of bites and then I thought too, I don't know that it's a good idea to even be eating out when I don't know who is preparing the food anymore.

People know me but I don't know them. So normally, you could just eat wherever and everything is fine, but it's not like I haven't been poisoned or drugged before.

So I just felt manipulated. I wanted to have a normal dinner and instead it ends up feeling like I'm in the middle of another bet or game or contest. I would not, normally, have changed course at all. I feel that I have people anticipating how I will react or respond to things and then setting the stage to redirect where I would usually go and what I would normally do. I am not whining. If you only knew.

So then I did go back and paid for that first bowl of soup, and it wasn't that big of a deal, but I didn't like being pressured. What I also noticed, was that the owner was gossiping about me to another party who I barely passed who was talking to her about ME.

So then I'm trying to pay but she's telling me I have to pay for something I didn't eat, which wasn't good, which I didn't take, and which others complained about (if only to be gracious in manner and I'm sure they didn't copy my methods in trying to pay only the part I wanted to pay for).

It ended up with my being at the Best Western heading off a false report of "theft" after I was rammed into a door (marks to prove it). The people from Virginia this morning, left behind a Best Western pen with me and then I end up there and it was like the whole thing was anticipated, according to my past habits and God knows what else. I feel like I have been profiled up one side and down the other and psycho-analysed to pieces.

It's no big deal if it's a game here and there. But that's not what is going on. I have people doing far more than that, to create problems for me. Some of it, like today, I acknowledge my partial responsibility for my reactions, however, I don't think it's normal that I have people going out of their way to steer and create certain reactions.

It's not even always in your face. Sometimes it's very subtle. And for every cause an effect. I have some people working overtime to keep me out of any kind of good and normal position and working to foster absolutely unnecessary events.

I don't know.

I feel like I should be able to eat out without this kind of commotion. It was a guy who was Jewish from California, nodding off to Kylie, the cafe worker from the bookstore, who was talking loudly about kidnapping and murder. It made me wonder what the hell was going on. He said he was from Berkeley.

At any rate, I felt very weirded out about why this restaurant worker was so insistent that I have "Pad Thai" on my tab. She didn't want to change the number or anything. It was just like a big game and contest and that weirded me out more than anything.

I have never had this kind of thing happen before. Never in my life. It was like something out of a movie and then I leave and ask someone else to go back and pay for me after I got the right change to pay and tip for the right item (imagine, I still tipped the same waitress who slammed me against the door). I also paid the guy who went in on my behalf, $4 which was just all the ones I happened to have on me. He comes back and told me there was no big deal at all and everything was cool and had this big smile on his face.

I just thought "This is SO not normal." Last time I got paid, I went to the Thai place and it was like this had been anticipated and then staged from there. It wasn't just coincidence.

I saw one man drive by and I don't know who he is but I like him and I know he is as concerned as I am, about all of this.
Then, I went to the bookstore to find out the name again of that one woman to try to tuck it away and figure out motive for engaging with people from a totally different state, and I looked at some videos of Medium and then I was over at this fiction section and picked up a book called "Spies" and it was sort of intriguing, about kids playing at being spies and then accidentally stumbling upon real stuff. It sounded good. Then I was looking at Isabella Allende and then I found, and remembered again, Christopher Hitchens. He wrote a memoir!

That was strange to come across. I looked at the photo of him getting his "education" and laughed out loud, thinking about what happened today. I also felt some sadness because of his cancer but I think he can beat it. I also recalled, for the first time in a year or more, how HE was one of the first persons I ever connected to psychically. I am not saying we consciously communicated, but I got interested in my abilities again, after dropping it once I had the experience where I "saw" the missing woman from the east coast. I recognized something different again when I would have a thought and then Hitchens would write an article about the very thing I'd been thinking about. It was uncanny. It happened too many times to be coincidental and when I was following all of his work, I noticed. Then, I got caught up with my own life and survival and trying to get my son. But honestly, some of the earliest indications I got, of having a unique ability, was when I saw the exchange in thought, somehow, with him.

It was very weird. Then, I guess, I forgot about it! Then I was probably doing it still, but no one was confirming for me and I couldn't confirm independently by looking at an article and seeing the thing written that I had been thinking at the same approximate time.

So I looked at Hitch 22. I couldn't flip through. But I saw it's there and sometime I'll read it. You wouldn't think it, but either that man is psychic, I now realize, or I am, in a really weird way. Yet I think it's not as easy with everyone. It's easier with some kind of connection but I have no idea what makes that possible. Is it just my interest in an individual alone? or their own capabilities? I have no idea. I just know I realized I was getting a lot of his exact thoughts or phrases or topic ideas, which were sometimes very specific. I noticed it for a few months and then my interest trailed off...

I was onto the Diana case, I thought.

I was going to say, I think that the information federal prosecutors are withholding, about sophisticated methods the Russian spies had of communicating with eachother, is because of a mutual interest in countries to keep psychic stuff in the spy realm. Imagine a federal prosecutor writing, "They communicated with passcodes, invisible ink, and telepathic communication between the senders and receivers." Sure, sure. I don't think anyone is willing to acknowledge that one yet. The U.S. goes on the stand to say, "They were psychic spies, at least some of them, and read eachother's mind and WE got some of OUR information through reading one suspects mind."

Oh, of all things, it's Mr. Pierce Brosnan. I am on someone else's computer while mine is in the shop and I looked over twice. Once, to see this Colton Harris guy whom I believe I've met (he was nice) and then secondly, to see James Bond starting up. I said, "Is this James Bond?" and yes, it's "Die Another Day". I haven't seen it before. I've seen the Madonna video for the song and that's it. The main James Bond I remember from my childhood was Octopussy. I saw that one a million times on one summer vacation with my grandparents. That song "All Time High" was one of my favorites. I think it's the only one I really remember but I haven't seen them all.

On another note, I was kidding about the oil and water don't mix thing. I thought about that and wondered if this would be considered a put down of someone but no. I guess I write liberally without always thinking what others will believe I intend.

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