Sunday, July 18, 2010

Premonition of Illness Comes True

I went to take a bath and I was in the tub, this morning, thinking about going to church, a Ukranian one maybe, and I had 2 images and impressions. One was confirmed.

Halfway through my bath, I was praying about countries or starting to pray. I started thinking about a couple of countries I had on a list that I had always prayed for (among others) and then after that, prayed for Afghanistan first. Then I was starting to pray for India and Pakistan, when this image came to mind...

I saw a WHITE man, an older man, in a blue shirt, and just his face and his eyes were rolling and he was sick. I thought it looked like this man I've gotten to know who is past 70s. I thought this was strange bc I was praying about middle eastern countries and a white man came to mind.

When I finished my bath and went back to the room, he was bent over throwing up from drinking too much.

I didn't even realize that this FIT what the image was when I was in the tub, until now, after realizing, ohmigosh, the sick man was HIM, the guy next door and then I saw evidence of it! So I don't know if that is really a premonition or remote viewing. I think it might be more like remote viewing bc it was probably in present time as it occured and I saw the motion of his eyes rolling and head back and forth.

I even thought, in the tub, it looked like him, but when I left the room he was just sleeping so I figured it couldn't be him. But by the time I got back, he wasn't sleeping anymore, he was throwing up! Is that not weird.

Then the other impression I got, which wasn't a visual image like I got about this man, but just an "impression" was of a song while I was still in the bath and it was The Pretenders "Ohio" or "My City Was Gone" and I got it in an impression in the sense that someone else was playing it or listening to it.
I actually prayed recently, for more insights and strength or psychic gift and I think God answered my prayer a little bit. Either that, or I'm being allowed to see more confirmation than I did before. I thought carefully before praying for this bc it's a blessing-curse thing and I thought I don't know what I might be getting myself into, but I believe God honors good prayers. Again, it's random for me and I don't always know when or why it's happening. SO strange though.

I told this guy how, in court, Michelle Erickson and the Judge were saying I knew where she lived but I didn't. NOW I do, after they wrote it on the form, but I didn't know where she lived and that's not how I came up with the idea that she and my former housemate were talking. I also got the impression of a black microwave or fridge and I don't know if that's at her place or a friend's place or work, but I saw her moving from one place to the next and this was the color I got.

I need to look up remote viewing again bc I don't know if you're supposed to see things "in action" or not. For example, I saw this man literally with his eyes rolling and head turning, so it wasn't the still-photo that I usually get in an image. Sometimes it's like a still-photo flash and other times, I see motion.

The other thing, is that I've gotten things which are present-time but also things which are in the past, and I am not really sure how to sort them out yet.

I just looked up remote viewing and I think it doesn't matter if the target is still or moving, it's mainly supposed to be in present-time.

That's how I got this man I think, because when I saw it, he was even lying down and then I walked in and he was bent over the trash can throwing up (he's fine now).

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