Sunday, July 4, 2010

princess di impression

I thought about Diana after I was at the McDonalds being served by a cashier with nails painted the flamingo pink Harry & William once sported and another cashier coming up with the name tag "Diana", so naturally, she came to mind.

I had gone there to get a sausage mcmuffin. I prefer egg mcmuffins but for some reason they charge 2 dollars more for the egg and I am on "fixed" finances right now so I had the value menu item.

I was walking to pay someone back for a hotel room I rented on loan and before I paid, Diana came to mind associated with "mousketeer". I don't know why and it's probably nothing. I personally had a mousketeer hat when I was little so maybe that affected my thoughts, and I read the Queen and her sibs had cartoons behind paintings, so maybe that affected things. I don't know.

Just something about mouseketeer.

I asked briefly, when she came to mind, for something that I could write about that might mean something to someone today and that was all that popped into mind was "mousketeer". I have no clue if it's about anything or not. I did a google search and can't find anything.
I had lunch and thought about that movie Octopussy and how it's the main one I remember parts of, but couldn't recall the whole thing. So I looked it up on wiki. It premiered with Charles and Diana!

I remember this one because I saw it several times at my grandparents one summer, when they had a dish (when those satellite dishes looked like something from a NASA magazine and were huge) and it was played and replayed and I always wanted to watch it for some reason.

Sometime I'll have to go through the other ones. I did love that song though, and I guess I wasn't alone bc I just read it went to the Billboard #1 spot.

haha. Me and Maud. I just looked Maud Adams up on wiki and she and I have the same glasses. Almost identical.

hmmm. typed in "octopussy and diana" and got a james dilby conversation where he calls her "octopus".

i know in the past, I'm sure i've read all of this before but it's been a long time--maybe a couple of years but maybe I even blogged about it. i'm sure i blogged about octopussy before...most likely. i don't recall diana having this as a nickname though.

what's also sort of weird though, is that i just noticed the film's tag is "nobody does it better...13 times" and it was the 13th film and then I think about other things but anyway.

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