Thursday, July 8, 2010

Psychic For Court (& images) & Why The State Shouldn't Win (case under advisement)

No decision has been made and the Judge took it into advisement. I made a very good case for not terminating rights. The state didn't prove their case. They must prove that they provided services and accomodations to these things in a reasonable manner and timeframe. They did not prove this. I attacked each point. They also didn't prove I was even mentally ill to where I needed services or couldn't parent but that's not what this hearing was about. However, all the witnesses and their experts admitted they did not have enough information to say one way or the other. I stated that I had a minor thing for which the state previously knew I needed accomodations, but it wasn't a diagnosis and was deemed to be normal under circumstances. It is a symptom of avoidance or not opening mail basically. The counselor I'd gone to believed this was just a form of PTSD that was natural for my circumstances, and so I had counseling with her to assist with this and the state was required to make accomodations for me.

However, the state didn't do this. All through this depependency they didn't do this. I also testified that all of my MMPIs were normal range for everything and not one psychologist has ever been able or WILLING to diagnose me with any kind of mental or personality disorder and they have only acknowledged that I have an avoidance issue that needs accomodations. The state didn't accomodate this. What was interesting too, is that I said I had a hard time opening up mail if it was personally directed to cause a reaction (like legal stuff that is directly about me or would cause me upset) and Michelle, from CPS, bascially said the state made THIS ACCOMDATION for HER! So they allowed her to read my blog but nothing that i wrote about HER because it was upsetting to her. ! So, it's the same thing.

I had a psychic impression which assisted me in court. Not that much maybe, but still.

I put Michelle Erickson on the stand and asked her if she knew the last person I had stayed with. She admitted she did.

I confronted him with talking to her about me and working against me, several weeks ago.

He never admitted this but looked shocked.

Michelle said he mowed her lawn and that they talked.

I never saw him mow her lawn. I didn't know he was mowing her lawn. No one told me he had ever been to her house or that they were speaking about me.

Guess how I "knew"?

Psychic insight.

No one said a word to me about anything at all. I just knew and then I got her on the stand and she admitted it was true. What's funny, is that she filed a motion for anti-harassment claiming she didn't want me to have her under "surveillance." I never HAD her under surveillance. It was all intuition and psychic insight.

I forgot to state, on the record, how I already knew this. I think it may have bolstered my psychic claims a tiny bit at least.
The other images which I've had more recently, which I haven't blogged about but could recal, are of beads, a small number of turquoise green beads in someone's hands, sort of in a row, and then I think it was the next night, I had an impression, without thinking of Michelle Erickson at all, of her walking from one room to the next, and something about possibly a black fridge or microwave. It was hard to sort out but I wasn't thinking of her at ALL and yet when it came to mind I knew it was about her.

The last one I got, which was strange because the next day some guy was walking around in a tan shirt in front of me...

Was of a whole row and backups of military men in tan, singing "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" and I got it when I was singing this in the tub. I saw them lined up to the left and the uniforms were tan (solid mainly) and the hats had the brim and were tan too. Then, the first guy I saw the next morning, was walking out in a beige-tan shirt of the, pretty much, same color. I don't know which branch of military this might be or what era or which country even. I just saw it and almost could tell they were singing. And I'm NOT nuts!

So there.

More later.

UPDATE: I forgot, to clarify, from my viewpoint, on the military guys, I saw them to MY "right" and then they were looking to what would be my left. I couldn't see how long the line was but it didn't seem to be just the first line or one alone, but there were men behind the first row. I'll find a photo on images to show what it looked like.

Okay, for color and design first. I found this photo, and the middle guy has the right color--the khaki, tan, or beige color (in general) and then the HAT was like the hat of the guy to the right, in the white uniform. So the hat was this type, with that brim and style but mainly the whole uniform was of a solid beige, khaki color or something.,%20images/marmer01/Military/MarineMajor-3uniforms.jpg.

Then, for the kind of grouping or position I saw these men in, it was like...let me find the right angle of line-up...they all, singing together, had very good (actually) and robust voices. I didn't "hear" it like, out loud as if the radio was on, but as if it were a memory, how one can replay or "hears" things. But I've never seen this before, and they were singing at the same time I was when I got it. And then, like I said, the strange thing was that the very next morning, the first guy I saw was wearing these colors. Here is an example of the direction or angle at which I got the line-up: However, I pretty much saw more than waist-up. I think I got the first line head to toe and then about 5 or 6 in the line or more and then knew there was a line or other lines behind the first line. How organized I don't know but the first line was failry straight it seemed. I would be interested in knowing what branch of military this could fit, in description (hat, style of hat and uniform and color in general).

Again, I never heard "literal" singing. It's different, and it corresponds very well with all the govt. and military literature about having true insight and doesn't correlate with being nuts. I'm not saying I'm always right about what I might think are impressions, but my accuracy rate has been pretty high, and this would suggest a gift and not a mental disorder. I've been getting too many things right for it to be a nutty thing.

I might think it is symbolic or imperfect but this is the general impression and it is probably give and take a little, but that's what came to mind, in general. I found sort of a compilation of the idea here, in the 3rd uniform (lft to rt) but there could be something similar from different generations, branches, or even in different countries.
Also, when I got an impression about my son being forced to do something, which I blogged about, the image I got was of a man with light skin in that area. Not really dark at least. Seemed to be white to me, not to say something else hasn't happened to my son by others. But I had the impression of this very clearly and it was someone forcing my son to do something oral. As to how far back in the past from the time I got this impression, I don't know. Frequency I don't know either, but that's what I got.
As to being right about Michelle Erickson and her lawnmower guy, I think the two of them thought that someone said something to me but no one did. I just "knew".

I also think that, in the past, before I realized that this was a kind of gift I didn't always detect, I said a few things about opponents which ended up being true or right and I didn't know it but they did. Back in Oregon, which could have led some of them to freak out, wondering how I "knew" or led them to overreact and think something about me that was hype.
When I said, in my testimony, that I didn't know why people on the East Coast and from other countries knew it would be almost "impossible" for me to get my son back (from the people here) everyone on the State's side looked guiltier than hell. THEY must know why others thought this. I'd still like to know why. It was the only time any of them, or all of them, at once, looked really guilty.
I just saw some older man with glasses and a bald head, drive by in a nice SUV and make an oral hand motion. I didn't get the lic. plates but there are a lot of very ill individuals here.

Also, the CASA guy admitted he had reassured my aunt and uncle and family that he was on their side and vouching for relatives to care for my son, but admitted in court that he would be willing to have total strangers adopt my son as soon as he was "free" and rights were terminated from me.

He admitted he had not even seen me and my son together on more than a few occasions and that he had met with me in person 2 times and that he had no basis on which to make his decision except for state pressure and lies.

I have been telling my family this all along, that some of these people have been lying and trying to keep ME from getting family support and making promises they intend to break as soon as my rights are terminated.

The CASA guy has been against me from Day One and used to be a former federal prosecutor for over 12 years. He worked as a federal prosecutor for Cowlitz County and was raised in Seattle and born in NY. He admitted that out of maybe 50 or more "Child advocates", Sue Baker hand-picked him and HE began his first assignment with MY son's case. He owned a hotel or motel in Leavenworth for almost a decade and the Judge cut me off and wouldn't allow me to get discovery on which one. I asked, because I was working at a hotel in Blaine, Wa, which had a branch in Leavenworth. As soon as I Wenatchee people knew where I was working, I was pushed out, because Wenatchee got involved. So it would be of interest if he was a part of that. He didn't answer when I asked if he knew the Whittemore's, some who are in Leavenworth. Whittemore was one of the lawyers I was up against in Oregon and there is a branch of the firm in Seattle. I saw one of the attorneys here in town more than once, from that firm (or Seattle branch) and felt there was some kind of assist.

If the CASA guy flips to my side at any point, it would be down the road for some really outstanding reason, or because he is only undercover now, but I don't suspect that's the case.

Sue Baker has really been against me from the start. I met her and tried to talk to her in the beginning and she did NOT like me and wasn't supportive of me at all. I DO believe she intentionally assigned this LAWYER to this case, because he could help, with his legal expertise, in how to write something up the right way to make it sound terrible.

I am appealing if my rights are terminated. The Judge said he would take the matter into consideration and after my rebuttal, I do not see how they have grounds to terminate because they failed to prove they were diligent in offering services. I said, on the record, there is NO appointment for a neurological eval, as you ordered a year ago, from the state. They also didn't provide services of regular counseling at any time. So the AG got up there and claimed they fulfilled their obligations and were met with resistance, but I was able to point out how they did NOT.

They also didn't even provide hotel and transportation to required services, as the AG claimed, and I told the court that for the psychological eval, I was held up and put off for over a year trying to get this done and all of their people cancelled on me at the very last minute, running out my clock, when they knew I had a blog and the state admitted to telling all of these psychologists that they were told about my blog, from the very first day. So there was no excuse to back out at the last minute. When I finally got the psych eval, I was not given hotel and transportation by the state. They told me to figure it out on my own. So, the AG and state lied about providing transportation and hotel to make it accessible to me.

I said that rather than getting resistance from ME as the state calimed, the only party that had a documented record of "resistance" was the STATE. If they did not have this pattern, where is a pattern of contracting for timely services?

I know, and maybe they didn't know, that it takes about 1 month, ONE month, to set up an appointment when they're already contracted. If they're NOT already contracted, D.C. offices said the lies I got about how it takes 6 months, were just lies. I was told people coordinate and contract from out of state all the time, and that's it's not difficult and should be accomplished in, at the MOST, a little over a month. So the state NEVER had an excuse for stalling like they did and claiming it "takes time". They were intentionally REFUSING "services" and were purposefully running out my clock.

They also did not schedule a psychiatric eval as the Judge required, for over 8 months. EIGHT MONTHS. There is no earlier appointment date and I was having to try to set things up myself. I got the neurological eval and contact for psychiatric eval, on my OWN.

I'll write more later bc I'm going to attempt to get more things taken care of and out of the way today. I have a visit with my son tomorrow.

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