Sunday, July 11, 2010

Reported Missing Child: Oliver Garrett

I was able, today, to report my child as missing.

I feel like crying, but it wasn't a joke and even when the state has stamped all this stuff, I talked to a national place and said what happened and what's been going on and I might be able to get help.

I was told to call local enforcement and ask them why my son was missing from his mother. I told them they already had an excuse but I was told to go ahead and ask anyway and then report back.

I think maybe I might be able to get my son back with the federal govt. or international telling the state they overstepped their bounds and committed crime too

I just now got the call back from Wenatchee police, from Officer Brett. I asked why my son was missing and he said "custody of state". I said, okay, that's fine but I was told to ask, this day, why my son was missing, according to authorities.

The officer told me he wasn't missing, he was with my aunt and uncle. I said I know this but they wanted to know anyway.

Then I got back on the phone and someone else offered to talk to me, an "Evan" and I asked for "Jean" and he didn't sound like he wanted me to talk to her. She said she wanted to take a report and try to override things or see if they could but then I just felt, with all the "wooow, WOW, WOWs" it was just getting discovery or trying to find out what new things I know. Which is why I didn't say a lot but I felt it was strange that the main thing they wanted to pinpoint was when all the harassment occured. I hope it's not to cover for something else. I said it first happened in Oregon and then didn't start up until later in Wenatchee, in some forms at least.

Finally I asked why I was prompted to talk when this was being recorded, if they couldn't override this. I said, "In what circumstances has this kind of thing been overridden?" and she said it had never been done before. So if it's never been done before...and they knew it was state controlled at the first...

When I was on the phone with Officer Brett, he thought everything was solid and I said national and international courts can override states and local and he just started laughing like Wenatchee and Washington have all the power. I said, "Not when state officials committed crime to do what they did."

She told me to take it to Eric Holders office before international courts. She also said something about my rights being terminated and I said I believed the Judge was holding off on signing anything until he had more opinion and had said he would be notifying me by mail. That's what I remember at least, and then something about a visit with my son at 1 p.m. last Friday which ended up being at 9:30 a.m. instead so it was good that I called because I heard 1 p.m. I was frazzled at the end of the hearings and not able to focus, and I'd just been forced to participate in a trial that I had never once been able to prepare for.

I asked where their offices were based out of and she said, "Alexandria, Virginia". She said she hoped for the best for me but after trying to get me to spill beans and define things for someone to their own legal advantage down the road, I didn't trust her anymore.
She said she was sorry for what I'd been through and I said the people in Virginia can be sorry and SAY sorry to MY SON. And then I hung up.

I got to lastfm and they have a stupid ad for the U.S. Air Force.

When she said to try U.S. first I said I was, but that other countries were watching what happened and haven't been impressed and I said I felt the treatment of this case with my son had become a poor reflection on the U.S.

1 comment:

  1. Since when is your child "missing" when you know where he is and you don't have legal custody? isn't that filing a false report? you are getting desparate and doing things that may get you into further legal trouble.
