Monday, July 12, 2010

Scripture Readings (random & images)

Maybe, I have a random idea, of doing random scriptures combined with some sayings from the books I selected for my son today.

Very different, but just an idea.

I prayed first. Then I turned the book, and first got

Provebs 20:18: "Be sure you have sound advice before making plans or starting a war."

I Corinthians 2:9: "But it is just as the Scriptures say, What God has planned for people who love him is more than eyes have seen or ears have heard. It has never even entered our minds!" (finger rested on "it has never even entered our minds

Nehemiah 9:34: "Our kings, leaders, and priests have never obeyed your commands or heeded your warnings." (uh oh)

From Goodnight Gorilla: "Goodnight Gorilla".

Matthew 6:1: "When you do good deeds, don't try to show off. If you do, you won't get a reward from your Father in heaven."

From Lost In The Woods by Carl Sams II & Jeanne Stock: "What are you doing?" asked the fawn. "Climbing trees. I'm getting good at it, too," bragged the little raccoon. Do you climb trees?" "I don't think I can climb trees," answered the fawn. "But my legs are getting stronger."

I Cronicas 25:1 "Asimismo David y los jefes del ejercito apartaron para el ministerio a los hijos de Asaf, de Heman y de Judutun, para que profetizasen con arpas, salterios y cimbalos; y el numero de ellos, hoombres idoneos para la obra de su ministerio, fue:"

Romanos 8:1: "Ahora, pues, ninguna condenacion hay para los que estan en Cristo Jesus, los que no andan conforme a la came, sino conforme al Espiritu."

From Wilbur: "I carded my own more tangles."

From Gordon's New Station: "Gordon rushed to the new station."

From Skippyjonjones Shape Up: "He rocks the crescent"

Ezekiel 3:22: "The Lord took control of me and said, "Stand up! Go into the valley, and I will talk with you there."

From Thomas' Blue Train, Green Train: "The moon is round. The moon is white. The moon makes shadows in the night."

Hageo 2:17-18: Os heri con viento solano, con tizoncillo y con granizo en toda obra de vuestras manos; mas no os convertisteis a mi, dice Jehova. Meditad, pues, en vuestro corazon desde este dia en adelante, desde el dia veinticuatro del noveno mes, desde el dia que se echo el cimiento del templo de Jehova; meditad, pues, es vuestro corazon."

From And The Green Grass Grew All Around by Alvin Schwartz: "Oliver Twist can't do this, so what's the use of trying? Touch your knee, touch your toe, clap your hands, and around you go."

From Trains, Cranes, and Troublesome Trucks: "Medium-sized James pulls milk today. He has no time to talk or play. James must go slow, slow, slow. The Troublesome Trucks want to go, go, go! James toots, "NO, no, no!"

From Gracie and Grandma: "Cow tree, then? That is surely what it is," grandma said. "Then I will always have milk for my coffee. Thank you, Gracie!" But Gracie just laughed, "A cow tree? how silly. It's a..."

I Chronicles 6:31: "After King David had the sacred chest moved to Jerusalem, he appointed musicians from the Levi tribe to be in charge of the music at the place of worship."

2 Cronicas 31:17: "Tambien a los que eran contados entre los sacerdotes segun sus casas paternas; y a los levitas de edad de veinte anos arriba, confrome a sus oficos y grupos."
I guess it wasn't an "image" but I was able to get something done today that was kind of nice. I stood at the counter and wanted any book that was Thomas the Tank and nothing was in the computer. I said, seeing nothing, "Do you think there could be a reader's book with Thomas in it?" and they said wouldn't be listed but could look. So I randomly ended up standing in front of this bookcase where a reader's book with Thomas was right there in front of me, on the top. It was an Easy Reader's version of "Gordon's New View". I thought this a little surprising because I had this idea come to mind and then there was that very book, just a few feet away. I didn't see it first. Then, I found it was right there. I next went to a different cart thinking about skippyjonjones and found a small book with this character as well.

Just saw some news about Colton. I saw hiim with his head down on his knees. I hope he gets extradited and things will eventually work out for him. Not more than others, but commensurate with what he's been through and what things could have been done to catch and try him before he was an adult.

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