Tuesday, July 13, 2010

State Stole Money From Me (claimed they bought my son milk)

I have discovered the visitation monitor was stealing money from me that I gave her to buy milk with.

All this time that I was told someone was picking up the milk for my son, and I was giving cash money for it, that milk was never picked up and then today, she repaid me at least the last $10 of it.

They just took my cash, and didn't even buy my son his milk. They may have given it to my aunt instead but they were telling me they were buying this milk and then when I went to the health food store, I found out not one of the cartons of milk (the organic raw milk) had been bought for my son like they said they were doing. I am not completely sure, but I think this might be true, because I went to the healthfood store and they said no one had picked up milk.

Not only that, but I was handed my son's necklace which someone had taken and he didn't have the new chain I gave him but the old one so I don't know what happened to the new one I bought for him. I gave him my chain, which was new, and traded with him again and also strung the W and his new turtle charm on it.

Then, maybe because I have rightful complaints about the one visitation monitor, there was yet another "new" person in there today, taking notes and being "trained."

WHY is MY CASE with MY SON the one that brand new people are being "trained" for? What's wrong with the other visitation monitors that have been doing this for years?

My son still had circles under his eyes like he's not sleeping and they were slightly bloodshot like he'd been crying last night or before. He was in good spirits and talking a lot, but he stalled again at the end of the visit and didn't want to leave. The stalling is good, because it means he wants to stay with me. He was definitely speaking a little more and seemed happy, but it was like he'd had no sleep. I sent him off with a lot of food that was organic. He also was very happy to see me, and went to the window to press his nose against the glass and then after happily doing this, he did his hiding bit which Michelle and monitors have claimed is his way of "avoiding" me when it's not--it's just a game for him. If he was avoiding me he wouldn't have run up to the glass first and stayed there a long time with a big smile, and a smile as soon as he saw me, before doing his hiding thing. He acted like he'd had a decent couple of days. I can't tell everything for sure, but in general, he wasn't acting out at all, and seemed to be in a good mood. He loved his Thomas the Tank books the most and I let him know he had more on the way, because I'd ordered the big book collection again.

I also gave him the other books, and a mining toy kit but I didn't know how to put it together because it was second-hand and I am bad at assembly. He said the cars could stay behind for the other kids, and he kept the kit and these glow-in-the-dark dinosaurs. I also got him a book to keep, about the "Littles" which he liked. He wasn't interested until I showed him the size approximations, of a girl peeping out from behind a light switch and then he was fascinated. The other books were of a deer and then of "Woolbur", this sheep who has a mind of his own.

For food I bought him organic (and a couple of things not organic but almost, just not fully certified) sirloin steak, hotdogs, lamb sirloin (or whatever the equiv is), and chicken. I was going to get fish but the fish market wasn't open. I also got him granola bars, veggie tales chewies (fruit snacks), provolone cheese, yogurt, blueberries, and a chicken marsalla dinner as well as lucky spring rolls. A lot of organic milk as well but I wanted to get him the raw milk.

I really feel the state has deliberately interferred with the milk thing. I had criticism that I gave my son raw milk (which is the best for anyone) even though it was certified and inspected. The state has always put this huge pressure on me and anyone else, to give pasteurized milk and it's really none of their business. There are more risks in having poor nutrition than getting something from unpasteurized milk when the milk is already fully inspected for safety. It has 10x the nutrients and antibodies than regular milk. It's an excellent source of protective oxidants and nutrients. I ended up giving my son the other organic, that's pasteurized, bc I didn't have time to go to the healthfood store today, and it has Omega 3s, which is good, but I would still choose good raw milk with the cream and all the natural nutrients than anything that's been killed a dozen times by technology. Half the time, all the nutrients are killed out of the milk and they have to go BACK and add the vitamins and things BACK in and all the minerals and anti-oxidants, enzymes, GOOD bacteria, and antibodies are gone.

I thought something was really strange...My son was affectionate around me but as soon as Michelle was around and I was there, he didn't even want to give me a hug. I know Micehlle has spent a lot of time with him and it concerns me. I guess it concerns me that my son would feel Michelle wouldn't approve if he was affectionate with his mom.

Then, I was giving this new "monitor in training" a fair shot, but she did a couple of weird things. One was that she claimed she couldn't sit the whole time and asked ME how I could stand to sit, and I felt it was some kind of reference to my broken tailbone and "do you really have pain?" Which is ridiculous for her to make any assumptions on and it's not hard floors that bother as much, because you can lean forward and balance or position differently. It's softer surfaces that cause more pain and the man I've been getting to know, knows this. I can't sit on the soft surface and he asks why and I have had to say my tailbone is starting to hurt. I can do it for awhile.

Then, when she left, I was still unsure about what she was there for, but then I saw her giving a look to the audience in chairs out in public and then she turned to the guard and said to him, "Holly" and I have no idea what that's about. Holly? like "Holly wins" as if this is a betting game? but then I think to myself maybe he asked her a question, like who is driving him home and she said "Holly" so I feel I have to give her the benefit of a doubt because I don't know her well enough. I didn't hear him ask any questions though and he's right around the corner.

It really doesn't matter who or how many people monitor these visits--there is NO OBJECTIVE measurement or evidence without audio recording. If even 6 people from Wenatchee claimed there was something wrong, with an audio recording, you take the content of those visits to an actual professional, like a licensed and specialized child development and parenting pro (actually, the best one I've seen is Jo, from that nanny-gives-advice show), and they line it up for the court as to whether visits are normal or not.

I don't agree with everything Jo does, but I've watched the show and her parenting knowledge and techniques are better than any of the stuff I hear from these visitation monitors (or psychologists) all put together.

I really don't care who the monitor is. I don't care if it's Anne or Sue or anyone. The truth is, it DOESN'T matter, if I'm able to record, because then who cares if the one woman lies or not. It doesn't matter who does the note-taking because the written and spoken record speaks for itself. It is THE ONLY objective form of evidence.

I have a right to this and then to be able to take this information to MY OWN specialist and have THEM decide whether or not the conversation is appropriate.

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