Wednesday, July 14, 2010

thinking about jenna lord

I tried to think of something about her. I don't think I'm very good. My thing is more random, not on-call really.

I tried to learn if she was alive or not and couldn't tell. I felt a sad vibe but that could mean anything. Then, I thought I saw her playing piano but I don't see anything anywhere about her being able to play piano at all. She doesn't really sound like the piano-playing type either, and I think it was from the past if it was right at all, but saw piano. I'm going out on a major limb and willing to be very wrong. I can't be right all the time.

The other thing that came to mind was a phone with a cord, landline with a cord, but then I thought that was probaly about me because I had just used a phone with a cord and thought this was interfering.

I can't find anything online about Jenna's hobbies or interests so I'm not sure why I got a quick impression of piano.
Well anyway, I'm done. I thought I'd try it really quick to see if anything came to mind and I don't know her and haven't heard of her, but just saw it got a lot of notice on CNN so I read about it. There are a lot of missing people. I don't think I'm a "finder" type. It happened once but it was really random. Hopefully, everything will turn out. It looked like pretty quick fingers on the piano, and I don't know that this adds up to her. Going torward the high notes, down the board, but I probably got my wires crossed with something else. I don't see anything about piano anywhere on her myspace page and looked it up after just to check. Maybe she took lessons when she was younger, I don't know. Anyway, that was all.

Also, it said she called from a cell last so I don't know what the phone cord was about. That was probably just me or my imagination.

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