Saturday, July 3, 2010

Torture & Kidnapping of Children: Torture Watch and Geneva Convention

"The Geneva Convention Against Torture defines torture as any means or act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity.

The Convention further states that each State Party shall take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any territory under its jurisdiction. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat or war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture. An order from a superior officer or a public authority may not be invoked as a justification of torture."

I was curious about what sort of thing, if there was such a thing, would go through the top of the head and found information about torture devices. I then found this link and like this site a lot because it describes acts of torture which are occuring today, even by Americans, and it provides an international law which may be invoked to hold persons responsible if local or national authorities do not act.

The opening page cites the law which may be used against persons who torture others by any means, and it also provides one with who to go to and who is not exempt from responsibility.

The main photos are of Muslims or of the Middle East but there are other ones as well.

I went further and clicked to go to the content and there is additional information.

I also typed in "torture news" and found news which I don't think the general public hears a lot about, of a police officer suspected of torturing people into confessions by different shock and burning methods, as well as suffocation.

What is sick about this area here is that people seem to think it's a joke, or that methods to intimidate or harass me, and harm me and my son are a joke.

I walked to the park after posting about images of torture, and passed, along the way, a noose which someone made out of plastic and left in the middle of the sidewalk, and then there were these people just walking or biking by thinking it was funny. It wasn't an approximation, it looked exactly like a noose and was tied, and shaped.

This is the kind of thing that I was exposed to, on a regular basis, in the visits with my son and the visitation monitors would cover up for it, which is why the state never wanted anyone except specific persons doing the visitation, when actually they had a whole large pool to choose from and other women told me they were willing to do visits and had never declined.

There are forms of torture which are used here locally, and yet no one has felt they could do anything about it, even if they tried, because of ties between people in military, law enforcement, gangs, and then others who have a lot of money and power to motivate others to do their dirty work. However, there ARE laws against it and if someone feels they have information or are a witness, they can go to the international law, or Geneva laws, and report to the UN if they feel they will not be listened to on a local, state, national level or in their own country.

People around here have been getting away with a lot, for far too long, and it is torture and it's illegal, and only by having people speak up to the right group, will those responsible be actually held responsible.

Doctors complicit in torture:
On cases where Governments have kidnapped children, see the following article:
The True Story of the Australian Government's Kidnapping of Aboriginal Children
(formed basis for the movie "Rabbit Proof Fence")

Kidnapping of Canadian (from one country to the next without due process. My son was kidnapped from me, while he was in my custody and I was his lawful guardian):

I think, after reading this, that my case is probably best put before an international committee who may review facts of this case. Whether that's UN or another group, I don't know.

Government Kidnapping of Children to Train Them In Various Methods:

I clicked on the article above and got disconnected and then something came up, by friend or foe or accident, that had this address I looked it up and it doesn't go to the article I clicked on, it is for a server in Colombia, that has articles about kidnappings of children and others. Right now, those who would have access to this network, I think, would be U.S.? Not sure why I just got this. Here is information about the site from Colombia.

Maybe people in the U.S. or another country HAVE known what has been happening to my son and to me, and they secretly tried to inform others about it. That kind of information could be good for an international hearing if that's what this has to come to.

Is The U.S. Supporting Illegal Kidnapping Of U.S. Children?

What I find peculiar about the case with my son, was how my own son was removed when I was attempting to make reports to human rights organizations about abuses by law enforcement and refusal to respond to FOIA or reports of vandalism and harassment and violence. I had the litigation with the church persons, but then it was medical doctors in the area and the FBI really, because at the time, they were the ones who I was in communication with. I do recall that nothing I said mattered to Canadian RCMPs until I mentioned FBI and then it was a totally different ball of wax. Their expressions changed. It was like this was a bite to chew on because they had noticed or wondered about what motive the FBI or any person or dept. thereof might have in me or my son. So it is possible, that records might show not just State obstruction of justice and harassment, but SOME (not all) other individuals who were retaliating and worked to help medical professionals here who made complaints.

I went to Canada legally, so there was no right to take my son. I did not commit any crime. The U.S. pressured Canada and told them to separate my son from me when they did not have a legal right to do so. I was also fleeing harassment but I was NOT fleeing "the law" because I had a legal right to go with my son out of state and out of country, and asked the Olympia CPS first, before I left. They said as long as there was no protective order, I was the guardian and even if there was an "investigation" (with no charges) I was free to leave and it was lawful.

My best chance to get my son back was to prove there was never a right to take him to begin with, but I was not given that opportunity. Instead, I was refused counsel that represented my defense and best interests of my son, and then hung up on and the State then claimed they then had a full case and right to keep my son from me.

The United States illegally kidnapped my son from me, with the help and collusion of some Canadian authorities.

That's all there is to it. It wasn't all of Canada, or all of the Canadians, and some were wondering what the HELL was going, but specific individuals were involved. I think now, I am realizing why some people were telling me to look into The Rabbit Proof Fence and The Cove (about the dolphins).

U.S. Senator Who Exposed CPS:

Death a Murder or Suicide? This is interesting. Just found it today. This woman and her husband just died about 3 months ago. Authorities called it a "suicide" but it sounds like murder with forced suicide notes. This woman was extremely active in exposing some very high ranking individuals and submitted political reports about it as well. I found more information, about her revelations and reports, on the same site that has the link which I posted above, from wordpress. It's to the right of the page, a box with links about their deaths and her work to expose the system.

This woman wrote about the "TRUTH" and gave testimony, on March 3, 2010. 23 days later, she and her husband were found shot to death.
Here is footage from her video testimony:

I was personally served with papers to terminate my parental rights on March 17, 2010.

Here's more turquoise--see photo of Nancy Schaefer:
This is a prime example of how I am led into things and make discoveries most people don't make. I follow a trail and then spread the facts out like a puzzle, throw out what doesn't fit or match, and then reign in the possibilities.

I've made big discoveries, guided by intuition, about very big things, and sometimes inadvertently, which is why I think I'm considered to be a threat by some. I probably also say things or get images sometimes, which cause others to think I'm onto something I might not be "onto" but just got a random snippet of something and don't know what it means.

I don't believe this was a murder-suicide, and if there were suicide notes, it's far more suspicious than even a regular murder. Regular murder would be in haste, or with emotion, and not as much would be more spontaneous. Murder where couples are forced to write suicide notes, are coming from a more complex source, and most likely involve the work of professionals. Not to say professionals don't perform murders, but if someone wanted it to look like suicide, this would be the profile of some serious white collar crime. Assassins don't care about suicide notes. If the person is dead, that's good enough (like the guy who was strangled in that middle eastern country). Hit men also don't care, but they usually get hired by those with more money. She wasn't ill and while authorities wanted to say her husband was ill, their own daughter says not at all. To get TWO people to write suicide notes, is not rational and would not be reflective of even a husband who was married to this kind of woman. If he was married to a woman like THAT, then he was most likely also a person of character. Not always, but more likely. Oil & Water can mix but they also repel. I think someone was concerned and that this was a suicide note like the note of the "Madam" who was going to expose a lot of govt. men who paid for sex (the one who supposedly hanged herself right after stating she had a little black book with a lot of names...) and like Marilyn Monroe (who was found in a state not consistent to drug overdose).

People who get others to write suicide notes first, before they're murdered, are usually tied in with government somehow. Not always, but very likely. That's my first impression.

Here is the link to one of her reports. She made this report on September 25, 2008 and 18 months later she and her husband were found shot to death. It was only 1 yr. 1/2 years after she wrote a formal report about The Corrupt Business of CPS and submitted to the U.S. Government. That report:

I updated this news, on my post I made later, about Nancy Schaefer. I was right about the fact that no one believes it was a suicide, and there was no illness, and apparently, no financial distress either that was very real.

She and her husband were shot 10 months after this interview with Alex Jones, a radio host. Publicity was gaining over CPS corruption and then they were killed. She submitted her paper report to the Senate. She lost a Senate seat upon re-election over this, and then she gave this interview with Alex Jones. 10 months later she and her husband were dead:,%20news&FORM=VIRE5

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