Monday, July 26, 2010

Wenatchee Police Cover Up for U.S. Air Force

I just found out who I think the owner of the car was that hit me.

I called Wenatchee Captain Jones to find out why police were covering for this person. He told me today that they didn't classify this (as of recently) as a hit and run, or accident or collision. They lied and tried to say I called Rivercom to report "harassment" when I didn't. I called in and reported a fucking hit and run and there was a man standing right there when I made my call. Officer Bolz refused to do anything about it and I then called FBI who said why didn't I call 911 and I told them I had bad things happen so often, I didn't know anymore. So they said since this constituted an attempt on my life, I needed to call 911 bc it would go to state police as well.

I had some guys tell me today the man who owns the vehicle is a Keith Booze. I thought it sounded like a joke. Then, after hearing Wenatchee police telling me they were trying to change my STORY and were claiming I called in about "harassment" and not a hit and run (when the witness knows exactly what I claimed from the start), I decided to look up this guy's name.

I found a black man by the name of Keith Booze who is U.S. Army and he fits the description I gave, which was that I saw a black man at the wheel.

This might be the man: It looks like the guy.

If he's from Texas though, what is he doing in Washington State.

Oh shit. He's Air Force. He was awarded an Army award but he's actually in the Air Force. He was the one saying "Wow, wow, wow wow" after I'd made some kind of post.

This is fucking U.S. military and U.S. police shit. And some of them are in with gangs.

There is a Keith Booze in Wenatchee but he's white. It wasn't him in the car. The other Keith Booze looks like the one I saw. And I know he was black. If someone loaned him the car it would be even stranger. But maybe not, if some others are also military.

Regardless, it's the owner of the car.

Captain Jones and Wenatchee police did not even follow up on this report. They went to the house that night and did not even KNOCK on the door. Supposedly, someone drove to the house, but never knocked, and the phone number didn't reach him. But not one police officer followed up on this. They never attempted to reach the residents of the address at a later date and this is for a hit-and-run which they now want to write off as "harassment" because maybe they don't want to be in trouble for trying to cover up and not report a hit-and-run.

There's a Keith Booze that was on the Dean's list for East Wenatchee in 2005.

I have to confirm some other things and need to look at police reports.

As soon as I made this post almost, the Keith Booze myspace page went down or he deleted his photos. I checked after seeing it the first time, and he or someone else took down his own photos.

Even if there's collusion with someone from Texas, it's the owner of the car that will be responsible for damages.

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