Saturday, July 17, 2010

WOW...Collision Cover Up

This hit and run was the one where the guy kept saying, "WOW...WOOOOOwwwww" over and over to me, out the window as the woman in his car yelled, "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" and they frickin' tried to run me over and hit me in doing so.

It's not like I crossed in their path. They'd been following me and then came around the corner and back to my direction and just sat there. I stood on the sidewalk across, waiting and waiting and they were just staring at me. Finally, I started to walk across the very quiet neighborhood street (the same one, I'm learning, that Michelle Erickson lives on), and then the car lunged at me and they hit me.

It happened some time after I made a post about the royals but I felt it was more likely to be related to town issues with my custody case and an attempt to intimidate me. But over and over it was "WOW" from the guy and it was literally like a 'get out of the way' of something in particular and not the road, bc they KNEW I was "out of the way" in re. to the road.

Totally set up, with words and everything I think, to sound like it was about one thing and I was in the way of the road when it was to imply something else.

I went to this other man's house and was very upset, though not at first--just in shock. I was stunned. Then the police were refusing to do anything and I popped more Valium because of my distress at the man's house. The man there saw I was upset and trying to blow it off and then I called the FBI and the FBI said to call 911 and I started to cry at some point.

This was also at the time my post office key was stolen by the housemate who knew Michelle E. and was passing information about me to her and harassing me to disturb my attempts to get ahead with my custody case.

I found out today that the only thing anyone did was go to the house where the address that matched plates was, and then call. He said he didn't want to wake anyone up at 2 in the morning. I had just been in a hit and run and he didn't want to wake anyone up?

No one followed up after that. It was just a one time visit to the house and no knocking on the door or anything and then it was dropped.

They refused still, when I went to the police station in person, to get the ID information that they easily obtain from their computer systems in their cars. I would like to know why they are insisting I go to public records when they are supposed to get that information off their computers and hand it over in person. I told them I am able to make a claim today and call the insurance company and they refused to get this information, even though there were TWO of them standing right there: lichen (supposedly, but he didn't have his name badge on) and Jim West.

There is no excuse.

Jim West was refusing to do an assist for a stand by when I didn't have my legal papers and everyone knew this. I kept calling and asking and was told they couldn't do this when they could and there was no refusal to allow me to collect these things except from the police. I did not have any discovery or legal papers for the Termination Trial. I had nothing. The police deliberately obstructed me from getting my records and legal papers prior to the trial even though I tried repeatedly.

For the last 2 days they caused and created all kinds of chaos in town, different groups and then just wanted to ramble WITH me over the phone. It was like I was just being set up to be harassed and provoked so that I would ramble on ad then these idiots were going along with it, and I thought "This is serving no purpose but to collect me on tape, angry or upset or sounding unreasonable when I'm not, and to use for purposes someone has already thought out."

Then I have these guys smiling as if it's all fun. This is not something that will be "fun" when it goes to court or proper persons. It is not fun and games to screw with someone's civil rights,, in any form. I'm not amused.

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