Monday, August 30, 2010

American Legion & Consequences of The Truth & russian church

This guy from American Legion told me to get a burger at this one place, Buddy La Fleurs, and I went there after he and two other guys sat there in red, green, and white shirts. Then i went to this place where there were red, white, and green flowers in a vase.

While there, at the American Legion, they have a bunch of books--tons of paperbacks and I backed up to the whole section without turning around or looking and reached back and pulled out a romance novel with the title "The Secret She Kept". It had the byline: "The Truth Has Consequences". Out of all of the at least 80 or more paperbacks there, that's the one I got, at the American Legion.

Then I rolled dice and these numbers on a couple of the dice kept coming up over and over.

So I was there and then people are staring at my burger like something is fucking wrong with it. This Irish man was there with a broken arm and his wife from the hospital or something. I only ate half of the burger when I saw him exchanging looks with the server. So then I went to the McDonalds and grabbed a burger and of course Vladdie was there and somehow someone knew that I wanted my burger "to go" even though I didn't tell anyone this and I usually eat-in. But I wanted it to go and they just gave it to me to go. So then I am walking and there is this nut, like from nuts and bolts on the sidewalk, which made me think of my son.

How my son loved playing with the cars that had little nuts and discs, with me. I had saved a nut to remember him one time when I found one.

So I found one tonight, and I had just had 1 1/2 burgers, which made me think about how my SON was 1 1/2 years old when the U.S. and Canadian assholes snatched him. I guess, so they could continue allowing me and my son to be harassed and tortured and distressed. And then someone thought it would be really cool to experiment on us with the consent of the military and CIA. Of course, every single player in the case was set up. Every single person was military except Judge Hotchkiss, and a government worker. All of them were both Catholic and military. Michelle Erickson is directly connected to military personnel. So is Anne McIntosh, the AG on the case. The main CASA guy, was Catholic and a former federal prosecutor for Seattle and was also NAVY. The head of CASA in Wenatchee, who hates me, appointed the CASA guy, Rob Force, herself. Susan, I believe. Michelle Erickson is connected to NAVY. I don't recall what McIntosh's connections are. The only one I don't know about, for religious affiliation, was Sue Just, one of the visitation monitors who was instructed to lie about me and my son and our interactions. EVERY SINGLE person working against me in this case was MILITARY, and GOVERNMENT, and CATHOLIC. Some "public servants".

They allowed the abuse and distress of both me and my son.

Even thought Judge Hotchkiss was the only one who had not immediately "served" in the military or wasn't married in, he is connected. He tried to get Rob Force to shut up real fast when Rob was proudly declaring his allegiance to the Navy on the stand. The fucking Judge was maybe not in the military but was acting like a fucking cover for them. Why does Judge Hotchkiss have to be the one to tell Rob to hurry and shut up? And also, why does Judge Hotchkiss have to try to force the psychologist to say that I was the "risk" to parent my son when the JUDGE has been more of a risk factor in my son's life than I ever have. The state's parenting evaluator was military. They were all military. And then the law firm that Justin Titus worked for, had one of their main workers whose kids were Department of Defense employees.
My OB-GYN who didn't do their job on the East Coast and examine me properly when I said I was having issues and pain from my pregnancy, was fucking ARMY. And her buddies around her, were ARMY. If she had done her fucking JOB, I wouldn't have ended up in some other random ER with such horrible pain that I had an MRI that killed my babies.

The fucking U.S. OWES ME and my SON.

They have used gang shit to cover for crime and military and CIA involvement. Bad apples, tried to cover for the real crime that happened to me and my son and then make it into something that looked "legit".

So there I was, picking up a metal nut from the sidewalk, thinking about my son and then going down the other sidewalk to pick up a crushed or pressed yellow flower that was pressed into a fan shape, and, after having been told to go to Buddy La Fleurs (flower buddy), I went back to the American Legion and said out loud:

"So who here has the most military seniority?" and they said some guy named Strussel or Stussel. It was the same man who told me to go to Buddy La Fleurs.

I walked over to him and placed the pressed flower with the metal nut on the bar in front of him and said, "Let the U.S. know I want my son back."

I figured he could take it as a symbol of whomever he may have been making fun of, maybe me, as the yellow flower nut. I guess. Or he could find out what that "nut" actually symbolizes and also fucking think about how I am being USED by military persons.

Fucking Theodore Keyes is military and his whole family is fucking military. Almost every single person or house I've stayed at in Wenatchee has had military people or those connected to either military or police and they've ALL stolen from me. No, actually, not just some of them or most of them. ALL of them.

Every single person that I have stayed with in Wenatchee, who has bussed me around or stolen from me or kicked me out, has been military or law enforcement connected.

I would think, with all these "military connections," and law enforcement connections, that if these are not bad apples, they wouldn't be playing mind games and that the U.S. would actually do something about returning my son to me and allowing me to live somewhere else where I am not constantly harassed.

I know for a fact that some of these people are mixed up with gangs, who haven't been good for me or my son. I also know that some of the people in even the homeless shelter areas, have done favors for others who, well, I saw some of them at the music venue at Cafe Mela recently. And then, I know what happened to me at church last Sunday, which hasn't happened anywhere else. That is the only time I have ever been assaulted while I was at a church. And some people thought it was really funny when one of the speakers was then talking about things to "warm your heart" and that was what the translator was relying to me.

Some of them KNEW what was being done to me.

When a couple of them knew I knew, they moved their own kids out of my beeline REAL QUICK. When I moved to the back, for some strange reason, they had the kids sitting in front of me move. Didn't want them in my viewline I guess. Right in the middle of service, those kids were moved. And not just moved, but I was stared at and then then as soon as I threw that pocket watch into my bag and stared, those kids were MOVED.

I am not tolerating this any longer.

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