Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Clarifying A Couple Things On Psychic Stuff

I guess I thought how I want to clarify some things, lest anyone think anyone is able to read my mind all the time, or that I do others, etc.

While some things are right there are other times...for example, one day everyone in the town practically was driving by staring at me and licking ice cream cones. It wasn't just a handful of people, it was a LOT, and all I kept thinking was "what the hell" are these people doing?

I mean, licking an ice cream cone, BIG deal. It was done in the same way others have sometimes been told to imitate other things in my life, and I had not been eating ice cream. I thought, "Some is trying to suggest I should have an ice cream cone? because that will win a bet?" or WHAT. And then, as it turns out, it was the NEXT day I saw a large ice cream cone scoop in a tub of bath toys where I was staying.

Someone had told someone else, I guess, about the ice cream scoop. Maybe everyone thought I had seen it earlier, as I then recalled it had been there all along, but I didn't know what it was because I didn't dump things out.

So then I noticed how bizarre this was and it wasn't, I don't think, anything psychic there but something about someone getting info on what is in my environment and ASSUMING I am aware of the same things. And I do know that someone who purports to know everything lived very close to that location and while gifted, on at least one occasion I caught him trying to boost his abilities or wanted me to think this (theo). So I do believe some people are very highly gifted, but there is always a temptation, even with psychics, to sort of exaggerate, and sometimes good or bad motives in that.

Othertimes people are very close to something, like I can be, but just a shade off, or hair off. So when I was reading the Bible about something about the Son of God or son of Man or whatever and theo pops in to say "Stay PURE. You are the wife of the son of man!" and I had just got that for Obama Barak, you know someone is CLOSE but a little bit off. Here I am, writing down a scripture verse I got for Obama and he comes in saying I have to stay pure for...Obama? I think Michelle would disagree.

So there is a difference between being a spy and having information and trying to psych someone out with it and then actually tapping into something, having a premonition, or getting it later.

The other thing that worries me is that someone has used things, either real info or psychic stuff, to try to harass me with it. I think it's fun and games until someone is going out of their way to do really sick things or instructing a lot of people to do sick things.

One of the worst things was that when I had a distinct impression of someone next to my son with something out, and trying to presusre my son in some way, I saw my son's exact expression. It was very exlicit what his expression was. And what bothers me is that then later I had a lot of MEN, it wasn't women as much, but more men, making that exact same face to me, and it is so defined, I knew exactly what they were doing. Which means either it was recorded and I saw the recording played, or someone read my mind and saw the expression of my son that I saw and told others to harass me with it, or it later occured and people paid attention and tried to harass me with it.

This is the most concerning and sick thing I have ever seen and the most perverse use of any psychic gift or attempt to exploit MY psychic gift and taunt me with what I got.

I noticed most of the men doing this were driving very good cars. It wasn't poor people. Possibly one or two, but what I remember was that these were men in some of the best kinds of cars, latino or italian and white. I think any race has been involved because I've had harassment from different sides, and possibly one black man, but I don't really remember that as much as the other. It hasn't been JUST race specific at least with who does or doesn't like me. Maybe more of a certain group than another but not eliminating any group at all. Like large long SUVs or top of the line medium SUVs and things. The impression that this gives me, is of top of the line mobsters. Either people with a ton of money who are involved directly or who pay for information or receive it, and then wanted to harass me with that. Which is a reason I want serious protection for my son at all times and why I want him in my supervision so I know what is always going on. Rich people have paid poorer people to do a lot of thing or have provided incentives. It's not like the poor and middle class are innocent. They are not running the show with regard to me and my son perhaps, but they are bought. Those who are rich have also used some who use black magic and who have military connections, for bad and to harm me and my son.
I feel that while I get some things right, and so do others, something I would like to work on is how to also protect and block my own thoughts from being perceived. Most of the time, I succeed and I pray now, more, about this, but it's important to learn how to do this.

I wanted to clarify bc while there is legitimate use of this psychic stuff and mind reading and I think it goes both ways and while I wanted to acknowledge it, I would also caution against assuming anyone really knows what is going on in my mind, because it is sometimes right and sometimes wrong.

One more note.

I wanted to say that there is a new psychic shop in town. I think it's a first. What is funny, is that I had that exact same building in mind for the exact same purpose. I can't really remember if I told anyone this or not. I feel like I maybe told someone but possibly, I had just kept thinking about it. I thought about it a lot. There isn't any other shop that I have considered in the same way. This was the only one I kept thinking about and I looked in the windows and thought about it.

And then the next person to rent it was a psychic. She put out a sign and everything. There were no psychics in town before. And this one has a very prominent sign.

I really want to think a minute about if I told anyone of my idea or not becaue that would make it stand out one way or the other, but...

I sort of think I did tell one person. I am not 100% but possibly theo or someone. But I don't remember for sure, because I was thinking about it so much. I do know I had considered another spot before though, and no one moved in and this other little house I was really thinking about, all the time.

So then I walked by all the time but I finally decided to stop in and just say welcome to the area, because I was walking right by and had a few minutes, not to have a reading, but say hi and she came out and I said as I was leaving, "Are you hungarian?" and she said, with a sudden wide eyed look and smile, "Yes. Partly." But this is one of those things where it is not psychic from me, but identifying certain features that stand out to me as belonging possibly to that ethnic group.

So I am not going back on my decision to not identify things anymore, I just wanted to bring that up and a few things up as examples of caution with what information one gets and how if I guess something or ask a question, it is mostly having to do with being a people person and just trying to be friendly and pick things out.

Right now I have a very good feeling about agreement in what I've written, as to who has been responsible for harassing and harming me and my son. It's 11 o'clock PST.

Last night I had a sad feeling about my son and family. I think it was about that. Around 7 o' clock or 6 o'clock and on for at least an hour or more. I felt my son was really missing me.

The last time I felt this strong positive or connected energy, I had selected a lot of different books and for some reason, when I was reading The Templar Papers, or skimming through it, I felt a connection but it could have been a coincidental time. I was thinking about my son too because there was some mention of John the Baptist. It was a couple days ago.

My last thing, is about John Kaempf and my claim of the porn. I want to clarify that too. I never thought he was a huge porn man. I was tired of all the lawyers lying about me in every single way and I was the only one who never lied about them. I never lied, not once, and I didn't exaggerate either. I was really holding my integrity throught that whole thing. I couldn't believe how much they smeared me, even to the papers. I never did this about them. I insulted them a few times after being provoked but I didn't lie and defame. And then one day, I just got this idea to say John had seen more than his "fair share of porn" and it was like all hell broke loose. I said or wrote, "I know John...has seen more than his fair share of porn." It may have been true, judgeing the response. It may have been something else I said that made me sound like a spy or having knowledge I shouldn't or wouldn't naturally have. I should clarify. I did have someone give me a small bit of info, but as to anything now, it's different I'm sure. But I didn't have informants on others or surveillance and I also said this sort of off the cuff, so for God's sake, in not trashing someone if it's not right, and giving a small benefit of doubt, I would say I think it was an insight into something that I felt I connected to, and I cannot recall now whether it was one of my very intuitive things or not. When I thought about it then, I partly wanted to trash him and partly thought it right for some reason, but when I think of it now I don't get that impression really. So that is to be fair. Even where I was not given mercy, I like to clarify what I can. And no, I really did not do any of the things I was accused of doing, by the Abbey lawyers and newspaper. I was truly defamed in a major way and it really affected my life. I am not so caught up in that anymore, but that is the truth. If I say I get impressions or images now, I clarify things because I may be right and I may be wrong. I know there is a gift, but I like to leave the door open unless I get confirmation or I know it's really an image or something I can't shake for some reason.

Also, I realize now that it wasn't just some people of Catholic faith then who harassed me or thought i was out to get them or trash in some way, but some others too. And right now, it is a lot of different things. While I do go out to find how people are connected, through politics, religion, race, club affiliation, workplace, or whatever, I can honestly say that if I were a Judge and someone came before me with a problem, I know in my own heart that I would take that person as an individual and would not be swayed by corruption or bribes and that I would feel pity for those who are persecuted or harmed in brutal ways, no matter what their beliefs are or affilication is. I would have a hard time with someone who actually harmed me or my son and would not be so merciful. Those who are connected to what has happened with my son or who have knowingly lied and defamed me or Oliver, or harmed us...I feel God should have the vengeance and for those so cruel, I want what they deserve when they refused peace repeatedly. But those who are just innocent people who are connected in a broader way to some group, I don't have a problem with. Truly and sincerely.

I am an equal opportunity offender and also friend. But I watch my back and I've been deceived a lot.

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