Friday, August 27, 2010

Computer Overheating Today...NOW & military

I started making my post about the Judges, and the laptop started the overheating thing. Then there was a break for about a half hour, until just now, when it started up again, at this time that I first posted this particular post.

My feeling is that since this seems to occur whenever I am making a blogpost some groups might not like, this is being done by persons who have a government position of some kind, or who protect government or dirty gov gangsters in some way.

Now after writing this, it quit again.
I think it's partly done to harm and partly to make me sound nuts in the hope of discrediting me, but I don't believe that this goes as far as it used to.

No one has been able to diagnose me with any mental illness at all and I don't have anything wrong with me other than that I have anxiety and stress from what the State has done.

It's also not "psychic" because it occurs with the entire laptop humming or buzzing more than is usual. I know the difference and this is not psychic, it's military style technology.

I also know that I am again approached by far too many military persons to have any of them believe I am mentally ill at all. If you're nuts, you get approached by caring mental health professionals here and there, or social workers, not government intel.

And all the insect and other things that were happening, if it was not done through certain methods of discretion, it was done by those experimenting with and funding the latest Air Force experiments.

Several years ago, the government began approving funding for new psychic research and one of those new techniques was in, literally, teleportation.

As in "Beam me up Scotty". Most Americans would not even believe this is possible, but evidence and demonstrations were made the U.S. officials which convinced them to pool many millions into causing small objects like insects, to go from location to another location, through pyschic means. The idea was to see, if it's possible with small insects, to acheive this as human beings, to be teleported or teleport oneself from one location to the next through some type of mindpower.

The U.S. Air Force is the main group that is sponsored for this kind of research. They are the ones with the documented funding. But other branches of military are interested in other things. And you can type in a search, and find some of this information in legitimate document form, online in a word search for: teleportation, u.s. military.

That's not the only kind of experiment that is currently being conducted. The other ones are more classified, as top secret, because usually, if it's that big of a deal, or that top secret, there is no human or civilian consent involved and it is probably also harmful in some way. As "weird" as teleportation may sound, experimenting with insects is not something which harms others or which requires the consent of any human subject. There is nothing which would violate the Geneva Convention rule about torture or cruel or degrading treatment, with teleportation of insects. The other "stuff"? The other stuff involves not just non-consenting adults, but children. Which is why this ends up being "top secret" and classified, or semi-underground with other groups taking the blame but the results going to the CIA and Pentagon and other anyway, to benefit their programs. This kind of thing is highly classified because it would cause moral outrage of the public, and fear, and loss of respect in the government.

To engage in experimentation with the consent of someone, or compensation, is one thing. It is another thing entirely, to subject them to some of the kinds of things they are subjecting to--especially concerning children.
I noticed something with the "overheating laptop" today. Each time I unplugged it or moved to a new location, it quit, at least temporarily. Today I went from being outside to inside and it quit for a half hour until it started up again. Then it started up and I unplugged to go to a different table and it quit for a little bit and then was starting up again.

I wouldn't confuse local gangster stuff with military either. Some of the people you would least expect to be capable of certain things, are capable.

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