Tuesday, August 3, 2010

douglas county courthouse refuses ATTORNEY

I learned how to cut and paste email again but I have to do it in parts bc it won't allow otherwise. What this email from Jo Jackson demonstrates, is a deliberate obstruction of justice.

I specifically told the court I wanted a lawyer for my Termination proceedings. I filed the affadavit and I am entitled to an attorney, evne for termination and I am attempting to get one to file a New Trial motion.

I don't need a lawyer for Appeal yet, but this email from Jo Jackson proves they are trying to prevent me from getting a lawyer who can actually do something for my son right now and turn this things around.

I filed for representation NOW and I qualify for counsel NOW and I have a right to have someone get involved NOW while I still have the potential to ask for a New Trial within 10 days of the final Order.

What Jo Jackson is showing, is that they are withholding giving me a lawyer for the termination proceeding as I'm entitled to, and they're trying to push me to file a notice of appeal before they will even give me an appellate attorney.

This is illegal, unethical, and a further showing of the corruption from Douglas County Superior Court.

I didn't ask for a lawyer for just appeal. I asked for a lawyer period, and I cited the statute for the law which provides for an attorney for dependency and one for termination proceedings and also one for appeal.

Jo and the Judge are trying to prevent me from having a lawyer at a time where it is more crucial to have one. I asked for one for Termination and they refused. I thought maybe it was because I didn't file an affidavit showing my financial status, even though everyone already knew I was broke. No one told me, at chambers, that this was all I had to do. They just refused. So I filed an affidavit 2 weeks ago, or a week ago, and I cited the law which states a defendent is entitled to public defense, at state expense, for dependency, termination, and first appeal.

NOW, they are trying to tell me WHEN they will allow me to bring a lawyer into my case?


Now wait a second. Is Judge Hotchkiss the JUDGE? or is he acting as my prosecuting attorney and trying to shape this case the way he's being paid by someone outside of this, to shape it? Don't tell me Judge Hotchkiss isn't getting paid off, or taking some kind of sexual favor or other from someone. WHY else would a Judge repeatedly try to deny me public representation? WHY? That is not the behavior of a Judge. That is the behavior of someone who is colluding with the State to deprive me of the right to my own child.

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