Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dreams & Impressions

I didn't have any dreams to report even if i would bring them up.

Then this morning I thoughtly, idly, I should try to remote view Anna Chapman or get an idea of what she's doing but she must have a pretty good psychic shield and also, I'm not the best.

I didn't get any images at all. I got more of an impression but I think it was just my imagination. I imagined she was smoking but I haven't heard she smokes and sitting on a higher story by the window on a setee. Like a loveseat or something and I would see it straight on , with her, from this angle, looking out a window to the left. But I have a good imagination and it wasn't a flash of a picture or anything so I figure, imagination. Then, I thought I was sure it was just my imagination so then I thought she might be shopping.

But that's all very general. Later, this morning, one of the first news items I saw was something about shopping, as a feature.

I didn't spend much time on it. Just a very small small bit...5-8 minutes maybe? Not much. So I don't know.

Probably came to mind bc someone put a salt shaker next to the couch so I saw this and then later went to the store and ended up getting an avocado for breakfast and wanted salt and they were out and I had to ask for it. I just had an avocado and that was it.

I figured my money could have have been the result of an overcharge and I was only at 2 different stores when it happened. I only bought 1 thing at one of the stores and this store first came to mind this morning and then I thought to go to both to hae someone look and check things out. So the one store is looking because if my one item is ruled out, it definitely either happened at the other store, if it wasn't something really strange.

I thought about a lot of things this morning and prayed first. Not forever, but a little bit.

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