Monday, August 23, 2010

Irrelevant: Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act

I was told to look up the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act in relation to jurisidction for my child.

It is irrelevant in my case.

I did not take myself and my child to another state.

I took my child to another fucking country.

This is a jurisidiction agreement between cooperating states within the U.S. It is not recognized by Canada. It is also not recognized by at least 2 states, currently, in the U.S...not by Vermont I guess, and one other one.

In this agreement, which you can read about online, the agreement is that in cases which involve any child, in a custody jurisdiction matter, the law (if the states agree to be part of the Act) is that the jurisdiction goes to whichever state a child resided in at least 6 months prior to the commencement of any legal action. So, if I had been in Washington, that's where the jurisdiction would be. If I had left for Oregon, but not been in Oregon at least 6 months, then WA state would still have jurisdiction because we had lived there the most of 6 months prior to any action. However, I didn't move to another State. And actually, if I'd left for say, Vermont, the Act wouldn't have held up there either. And that is because a couple of the states in the U.S. have refused to go along and be a part of this Act. Because my son and I were in Canada, the jurisdiction was Canada. And in order to force me and my son back to WA, illegal things had to be done and I had to be deliberately set up to make it appear as though I had committed crime and could be arrested. The people setting me up were all government officials. All of them had immediate ties to government, whether it was U.S. or Canadian.

The U.S. did not have jurisidiction and because I first left the country before any proceeding began in the courts, the orders should all be vacated and my son returned to me.

It also proves that because the U.S. and Washington state knew I was legally out of the country, they HAD to commit crime in order to separate me and my son.

If someone has their kid removed in a mistake, or becasue of negligence, that gives rise or cause for a civil suit. However, in my case, it was not done out of negligence or a mistake. Because I was deliberately SET UP and falsely accused of crime, the criminals are those officials in WA and Canada who dared try to construe a set of events in order to force the hand.

It is organized crime.

In this case, the organizers and criminals carried false certificates of authority when they had no right to commit crime in the scope of their duties.

It wasn't a state-to-state matter but an international one.

When I asked Russ Haegen, the Executive Director, how this was possible without "extradition" that's when he got his lawyers and himself on the telephone to see how much I knew and bring up dismissing the whole thing. They decided I didn't know enough and that they might win by keeping things a secret and preventing me from getting discovery.

This is also a substantial motive for all of them to have covered their asses and try to conceal everything, from start to finish, to make it appear as though they did the right thing when they broke every fucking law in the book.

The State of Washington must return my son to me or suffer serious penalties.

This is why Michelle Erickson and the others were so desperate to lie and why this State has tried to keep me out of a job to have a private lawyer who could have uncovered this a long time ago. A very good deal of money went into keeping me down and without good defense or discovery, and without housing and work.

And it wasn't just about my son either. It was about other things for some.

But these officials should be prosecuted under RICO for deliberately using their official positions to COMMIT crime.

There is no immunity for crime.

Not even for government officials.
I just looked up the law again and one of the states that hasn't consented to this act is Masseschusettes and then the other "state" (loosely defined) is Puerto Rico.

However the entire Act is irrelevant in my case and WA state knew it so they kept me fromhaving a lawyer all this time and people stealing from me to stall for time until hopefully, I never found out.

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