Saturday, August 14, 2010

lucky guesses today, about people

I guessed right about a young man whom I've seen before but haven't talked to. He said he'd done some work with the military but wasn't formally employed with them. I asked if he knew martial arts and he said yes and then I asked if he had learned when he was in jr. high and he said he first picked it up at age 12, which is what I was getting.

Then, I just met this other young woman and I couldn't guess her age so I asked and I was trying to guess ahead, though, something about her and she is dressed like anyone, in regular clothes and yet I had this idea she was into fashion design. I asked what she studied in college and she said biology. So then I thought maybe I was wrong, bc I was going to guess fashion design. Then I asked, "Do you draw?" and she said not really and I said, "What do you draw if you do?" and she said people. I said, "Do you draw fashions on people?" and she said she does a little, with her friend and more specifically, she sews. And hardly anyone sews at her age, these days. So that is sort of fashion design. I thought it was kind of cool to get that. Then I asked if anything she was wearing was something sewn and she said no but she'd been thinking of recreating the dress she had on.

Very cool, huh?!

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