Saturday, August 14, 2010

No Lawyer? At The Last Minute?

I am thinking I don't have a lawyer.

He finally gave me an appointment time, but it's for Monday, which is only 2 days before the pre-trial and I have asked to meet him over and over and over.

First bad sign is that he wouldn't confirm an appointment with me for over a month. People get busy though, so that's not to be completely held against anyone but then I tell him what records I need for my defense and he just sent me an email telling me he's not going to receive them or pay for them.

His JOB is to collect records which I can use in my defense, as long as they are relevant.

It does not matter where the records come from--whether they come from different organizations or even different cases--if they are RELEVANT, in any way, to my defense, this is what a public defender is paid to do...collect the evidence and pay any small fees if necessary.

The total fees or cost would be less than $200. Sorry, but that's a drop in the bucket for helping someone keep their criminal record CLEAN and without ANY charges with convictions.

My record is important and it is certaintly worth more than 2 days notice before a hearing date, and $200 for records. I think he's being influenced by others.

After all this time of not being able to even meet him, I did a search and found he possibly worked previously for Kottkamp and Yedinak, which is the last firm I had very serious problems with. I had to ask him, just now, is he a Justin that worked for them? or not? I know Justin Titus worked for them but I just found something the other day about Justin Collier working for them too. And then he knows Steve Woods, whose firm had a case once and wanted to screw me over on it.

He is now claiming the records are irrelevant when they're not. He is saying now all they have to prove is that they had an active Order and yet he and I already discussed how one of my options was to Change Venue and/or also have my case removed to federal court, not for civil reasons, but criminal ones. I even asked him, last week, about getting licensed for federal court so he was able to do this.

Out of all the times I went into the office to try to meet him, and all the times I've emailed, he has waited until the very last minute to say he might not be my lawyer if I can't accept that he refuses to get my records.

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