Monday, August 2, 2010

Real Psychic Impressions Today & End of Free Experiment

I thought I would confirm a couple of psychic impressions I got which someone else was either sending or receiving.

However, this is the end. After I acknowledge this, I am no longer going to reveal what I get because as long as I am pushed out of housing, especially, and don't have my son, you get nothing from me. No more feedback. So this is the day it is officially over, unless I really feel I got something specific for someone I was praying about and think I should share.

I am open to cooperating and sharing information about psychic matters, and any kind of military experiment or non-military experiment, but not without pay.

If God gives me something, I don't charge to share this with someone, but when it's sender-receiver and other things, it will not be free any longer.

I am very open to negotiation and would enjoy learning more and helping others too, but not without pay and adequate housing. I am sure you know where to find me.
Two things I will confirm. 1 thing is from today and the other thing I will confirm is from a few days ago but someone keeps putting it in my face for confirmation. So after this, there will be no more without a reasonable compensation. I have already proven I am real and legitimately gifted in this regard and there is enough to go by, to begin treating me like any other paid employee.

1. The hot dog type dog mix with something red or crimson in the periphery...This is from today only.

I got the impression clearly, when I was trying to get something about attorney Robert Shapiro. However, I knew I had received a right impression but I didn't know if it applied to HIM, so i didn't blog it. I got the bandino thing and something about possibly antonio banderas but that may have been second-guessing the bandino. Then, I was walking torwards the McDonalds I believe, and asking for something, and this impression of a hot dog type of dog, in a certain color, came to mind, along with something red or crimson but that was sort of background. I couldn't tell what it was. I then, 2 hours later or more, went to a picnic table without seeing the dog and sat down and then noticed the dog was the same one, identical, that I had seen. It was the same darn dog. A hot dog type and in that exact color. I looked around the table and saw a woman in a red shirt and found out the crimson bike belonged to the same man who owned the dog. I didn't know if it was a premonition that I got and then it happened, or if someone read my mind, or I was receiving, so I asked, "How long have you been here?" and he said an hour. So there is that.

2. Next. This is one that someone is obviously wanting confirmation on because I don't know how many men have approached me, grinning, in maroon background Hawaaian shirts. Some of these shirts have not been exactly what I saw, but a part of one of my waking dreams was of some man in a marroon background Hawaaian print shirt. So either I read someones mind or received something or someone saw what I was thinking about when I randomly got that shirt.

3. Finally, as a freebie, I'll thrown in that someone got the shade of yellow right for the bright yellow pair of panties I joked about Judge Hotchkiss having. Maybe he doesn't have those, but someone got the color that came to my mind right because there was a woman in a solid color bright yellow shirt in the very color who parked her car on the other side of the street from Cafe Mela one day.

I had blogged about the yellow panties but there are many shades of bright. As for the maroon hawaaian shirt and the hot dog today, I never blogged about these things, but sort of dreamed or had them come to mind later, and then someone got it right or I got it right.

Mind reading confirmed.

I am gifted and so is someone else. Actually, probably a lot of people are and just haven't tapped in.

So yes, Mr. Kaempf, a very belated answer to your question, "Do you think you're special?" might be...Well...I dunno...what do YOU think?

I wonder if, when I said Kaempf watched porn, yearssss ago, if I actually was getting something right. I had no clue then bc I just said things without thinking and never noticed I might be psychic in some random way and didn't even know what I was doing.

I am sure Kaempf is no longer into porn.

So anyway, that's all folks!

Time to pay me now. I am worth every penny.

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