Sunday, August 29, 2010

russian church & technology use today (left side) & wristwatch

This morning at at the Russian Baptist church, someone used some kind of technology to harm me and more than one person knew about it. I could tell by some of the references being made.

It was the same burning thing that my son and I endured while we were in East Wenatchee which affected my lower back, caused a burning sensation in my torso, but today, something was different.

I hope it is a good important difference.

When I started having benign twitches the way my son and I did there, they were not evenly throughout my body.

It was only occuring on my left side.

I also noticed it was stronger and happened more on the left side when I was holding a metal watch in my left hand.

What is significant to me is that while the burning sensation, which seems to be like a very strong ultrasound of some kind, this time, that was even and later my lower back hurt just as it did first with my son and I.

What stands out is how metal attracts the benign twitching, or alters the heating to one side of my body more than the other because of the attraction to metal.

At first I thought it was something someone there was doing from the left side, because of this but then it occured to me it had something to do with the fact that, possibly, the metal I held in my hand, altered the distribution of what someone was doing.

When I moved to a different location, it quit. Then I sat in a new place for awhile and it almost started up again and it was on the left side, until I threw the watch into my bag. There was very minimal residual twitching but it was completely different.

Why anyone would do this to me, in a church service, is beyond me. I don't blame them all, of course not, or fault the church at all, but a few people there were up to no good, and most shocking, was that the word of God was being preached while someone was doing this.

I am very afraid for my son, and have had a good reason to be, from the beginning, and having a few corrupt people trying to say I'm nuts doesn't help matters. Plenty of others know that I am not.

Someone would not do this unless, once again, they wanted me to sound nuts, or something was at stake.

I got up because I also had to use the restroom and then didn't want to go through everyone to the middle of the crowd again, where I had been seated. So I sat in the back.

I could have left but instead, knowing it is certain people and not everyone, I stayed and thought this was interesting and that I might begin to figure out more things if it continues. So I stayed and knew it wasn't caused by everyone there.

But yeah, metal attracts this, whatever it is, there is a draw towards metal. Sounds like military or medical technology to me.

Then I went to this other place and turned my laptop on and had the burning at first and then it quit. Just quit but it was there at first.

God be with me and my son and win. WIN against all of those who are criminals and corrupt cowards who use military and medical technology against anyone, and so far as against a mother and child. May God bless those who are with me.

Someone said it was raining outside and I said I wasn't suprised. I know there are storm clouds for a reason and that if God had tears, they would be evident in a storm.
I would caution anyone involved in harming my son in anyway, to cease and desist before you and your groups are locked up for life.

It's being reported to people I haven't gone to before, and you are being reported as criminals. It is not only being reported to others outside of this area, in higher positions in D.C., but this is being reported to the UN and some of the military already know what's going on.

I just got a good piece of new information, which is that metal affects this. So that starts eliminating some things and also brings other things into better focus.

If I have titanium in my neck, and other metals, and these are somehow picked up on, it is easy to affect me and not others. And then if I am holding a larger piece of metal in one hand, it would throw something off, possibly and concentrate there. It would affect others if it was just a directional thing, coming from one side. But some others, do not have metal in their bodies, nor are they holding it in their hands.

I was holding the watch in my hand because at around 10:20 or so (I wrote down 10:28 a.m.), I felt the mother's instinct to think about my son and I wondered how he was doing. I was a little worried, so I took the watch out of my backpocket and looked at the time, wrote it down, and then I was holding it in my left hand as I wrote notes with my right hand. For some reason I kept holding the watch in my hand, I guess initially in case I felt I would need it again. It is a metal watch base with only one strap of the band still there. So it's basically just the head-piece or main watch without straps. It had been a wristwatch someone gave me for keeping time but of course I don't wear it on my wrist bc it's missing a strap on one side. So I just used it as a pocket piece basically. So this is what I was holding in my left hand, my whole hand wrapped around it, as I took notes with my other hand.

And then it was only my left side that began to have benign twitching. This has really never happened before. If there's benign twitching, it's all over, both sides, either legs or arms or something, and most often, all of the above. but this time it was very much to the left. only the left half of my left arm and left leg. And this made me think the source was coming from the left, or the metal in my left hand was throwing things to the left.

As soon as I left the whole building, when the service was over, there were zero problems of any kind.

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