Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sierra Macias--thief? or someone else...earlier

This woman just stole money from me and then tried to have me leave the place right after she did, so when I discovered it she wasn't around....but it may have happened earlier.

I have stayed for a short time with someone who had housemates that were really weird around me. They didn't like me or want me there, from Day One. Then I saw him, Tyler, and her, driving past me jubilantly a couple days ago and someone behind them who knew they were acting raunchy.

This morning, after the main renter left, she came at me, and told me to leave the house right away. It was very odd and then the first thing that popped to mind was "My purse."

I checked it and sure enough, money was missing. Not just a little money either. 2/3rds of all my money and I hardly have anything to begin with.

She went at me, on and on, before I checked my purse. Right in front of the children and she did it after the baby was walking away from her and "grandma" because the baby prefers to be with me, after only a few days and my hardly being there at all.

Babies know.

I think babies are very in tune with who is instinctive with them and I have only spent a small amount of time with this baby, and he and I are really taken with eachother. The other kids I like too but haven't had as much time with them.

Last night the baby was in the room with this Sierra and just started screaming and screaming, and I went over to the baby and he quieted down right away.

In a way, I feel very complimented by how the baby likes to be with me. It is a high compliment and my favorite kind, because they have nothing to gain from pretending. Babies don't care about flattering someone. They're earnest.

Today the baby didn't even want to go to the mother, but that's not because he prefers me, he was just already in my arms and doing what he was doing, so it was natural and wasn't a preference thing but just an activity choice.

With the other 2, I could tell he wanted to be with me more than either of them and they didn't like it. There were only a couple of others around my bag: "Donna" the "grandma" (who never liked me) and then the mother, and this coworker from Safeway and then Sierra.

Sierra didn't want me to wait until the mother came back. She was trying to tell me to leave then and there and that's when I thought, "She's jealous of the baby going to me?" and then suddenly my purse popped to mind and money was gone.

Sierra is 17 and had some problems with her mother, who told her to just leave the house I guess. Now I'm wondering if Sierra ever stole money from her mother and if that was part of the reason her mother told her to leave to begin with. I mean, I only heard one side of the story, and if Sierra was stealing from her mom, that would be a good reason to ask them to leave.

The other thing thing that happened was that Sierra's boyfriend's car broke down. They kept eyeing ME suspiciously as if my very presence had something to do with it. I should have felt bad for them but instead I figured they might deserve it, wit hthe kind of attitudes I got from them. I knew the only reason I was even there was because of the mother who allowed me to stay for a short time. If it had been up to them, I would have never been there.

Oh, and speaking to Sierra's maturity level...I said to her, "Do you realize you are starting an argument in front of children? I don't think that is appropriate. You should have taken me aside outside if you wanted to speak to me this way."

Her response?


"You really ARE psychotic."

I'm psychotic according to her because I am a better person than she is and think about children, putting their needs ahead of my own selfish desires to yell at another adult.

Meanwhile, those poor kids are just staring over at me. She is so messed up she told them to yell after me when I left to make a report of theft. I was going to stay there until the renter was back, but after finding money missing, I left and reported it. So I left, because she was sitting there yelling at me. She came at me 3 times in front of kids, and then once in the kitchen.

I walked away and went to the bathroom and ran water to get away from her. She has zero authority over who stays there or not. It's not up to her at all and she was standing there, telling me what to do.

So, as my habit is not to be confrontational in front of kids, I left to the restroom. Then I came out and she harassed me again. Then, she did it AGAIN. 3x in front of kids. When she came at me in the kitchen, I said, "Do you realize this is the 4th time you have put yourself into my space to try to provoke me and argue? And 3x you did this in front of the children."

She was so focused on having me leave right then and there, when I wasn't even talking to her, that I knew something was up. And I counted my money and there was a lot of money missing. It had been folded up and then clipped and was at the bottom of my bag. I don't believe anyone in public did it or would have had a secure place to access my bag and selectively take a certain amount of money. It wasn't all taken. Someone left $9 loose in my bag and then some bills clipped together separately, and then change.

Actually, I just counted again and checked everything and it looks like a little less than I thought was taken, was taken. About $100 was taken and as I look at how the bills are arranged, possibly earlier.

I started to question if it really happened this morning or earlier so I went back to my bag and examined everything more carefully.

Well, Sierra may be a bitch and a bad person who isn't good with children, but maybe she isn't a thief. She could have been somene who took the money earlier, but then that would negate how I wondered, when my parents were giving me $100, if it was to make up for money they somehow knew had already been stolen from me which I hadn't discovered then.

The money from my parents is there. So that would lead me to believe the theft occured earlier and that Sierrra acted out of jealousy about the baby's preference for me, rather than something else.

The 20s from my parents were separate from the other 20s and different in appearance, so I am now thinking the theft was either off the first 20s I had and was done either...a week ago or so or more recently possibly but off the original stack.

I heard the song "The Gambler" which says, "You don't count your money, while you're sittin' at the table, there'll be time enough for counting, when the dealin's done." I had thought that very thing when I sat outside several days ago, counting in the open.

It is still possible someone stole more recently, but maybe not. I am missing about $100 from what I should have, if I include my money from the 1st, from my card and then from my parents. I have only spent a small amount, less than $50 so I should have more with me, definitely. But I am not going to falsely accuse if it is possible something else happened. I am pretty sure she did it, because there was no other opportunity.

Someone stole, it appears, exactly $100. And I have the bills my parents gave me so it was taken from bills that came from the ATM either recently or awhile ago (not that long ago bc there have only been so many days since I even went to the ATM, it's only been a week).

Then I ran into someone who just had someone steal her money order and she can't get it back for 90 days.

But anyway, this woman was horrible this morning, just on and on and the first thing she attacked me with was, when I said, "This is why you had problems with your mom..." she came at me saying, "At least I don't live on the streets and have my kids in foster care."

This is what I mean by a real bitch.

Most people know what has been going on and why I have had others put me in this position. What is just prime, is having someone who the baby doesn't even want to be around, who the baby prefers after a couple of days alone, tell me that I am a bad mom. I was the one who got up out of bed, off of my fat ass, to change the baby's diaper, which was sopping wet, when Sierra was the one lying right next to the crib and he was screaming and protesting.

I went in, and he was so wet he was dripping down the sides and I changed his frickin' diaper, the same mother who had her child taken away--not for being a risk or a bad mom, but pissing off adults.

I think Sierra likes to put on a maternal act when her boyfriend is around, because when he's not, she does nothing for the baby. I think this is how some women are--putting on charm and this act of being a motherly hen, not because they actually care about children, but are hoping to impress some men that they want to snag.

I have seen this before. I saw it at my engagement party with my fiance. His "other" sitting there with all these children gathered around her, which he really likes to see and she knew it.

It must be a biological thing for some women, to try to entrap the man by looking like a real domestic type, and then snagging him to turn into a real lousy mother (or even just so-so) when it comes down to it. Some of these women are far more interested in getting the man, than in kids at all, or having any real parenting skills.

If I can do anything well, it's parent. I bust my ASS being a good mom.

Which is why I keep finding this whole thing like a huge cosmic joke and irony, that one of the better mothers, who is really focused on kids and their needs, is the one who is persecuted.

And who gets in my face about it? other women who aren't doing nearly half the job I can do and this is one thing I can brag about and know I won't be reprimanded by God because it is something I take pride in and I don't exaggerate either.

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