Sunday, August 1, 2010

Theft of My Property Again (more accruing damages)

I just had someone steal from me and try to upset my efforts at getting my son again.

My only sweater that I had to my name here was taken so now I have no sweater and my cash and food card was stolen.

I knew it had happened this morning because it came to mind that someone was taking my sweater which had my foodstamp and cash card. It wasn't in an image form, it was a distinct impression and alert-notice. I guess "this morning" now means Sunday morning but I had a feeling about on Saturday morning (yesterday) so it was either intuition or a premonition of what was going to happen.

I get new money on that card today, and I cannot access it without having a card. Everyone here knows that the only way to get a new one is to go to the State offices which banned me from going there.

I won't have money for Sunday, and then I can't even call until Monday and because I have been wrongly "banned" from a public State office for services, I cannot get a new card by mail securely because I have had repeated mail problems.

So I called for an Officer and 2 showed up and they basically said there was nothing they could do and I didn't want to give all of the information on the theft at this time for safety reasons.

One of them said, "Can't you get another card at a diffferent office?" and I said "No. Out of town?" Without money I cannot even go out of town anyway and I'm not leaving. I have a right to get my son back and get records and for New Trial.

Then they said if I called ahead of time to go in specifically for services, DHSH would probably let me do that.

I said, "Any time I've ever gone there, has been only for "services" (why else would I want to even go there?) and they asked the Judge to ban me completely, altogether."

The fact that this was done now harms my ability to have a lost or stolen card replaced immediately. It takes 5 minutes in person and if I have to wait for mail, which is not even secure in my case, it could be days. What am I supposed to do in the meantime? With no money and no food?

The Officers said, "Maybe Serve Wenatchee will give you some cash to get by" by that organization basically said they were discriminating against me and would not help me with the same things they help others with and the only thing they'd ever contribute might be food. Even when I went there for food, they didn't tell me where the foodbank is. I guess God led me to the right place Himself, despite them.

I also went into Serve Wenatchee last time and they had one book displayed on their main end table, for all to see and it was Bambi. That was it, and then they handed me a small package of Oreo cookies and said there was no other food. They didn't even tell me about the foodbank.
I basically have more grounds now, for damages for being improperly and wrongly banned from a State services office. My idea is to take everything to federal court but I'm not moving. I have a right to get my son back and also, to have housing here.

That is a right, not a privilege. And a right which I was deprived of

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