Friday, September 24, 2010

2 Strange Things In Library

First this woman was sitting next to me and I said something nicely but she didn't move or anything. I thought for a minute she was possibly deaf, which would be understandable but then I decided on rude because I lightly used my hand to try to get her attention to something, and she saw this and just acted rude.

Then, this other woman who comes in all the time when I happen to be in the library, came into the restroom where I was and kept looking directly at me and saying "No." I said, "I don't know what you mean, what do you mean 'no' about?" and she snapped, "None of your business!" and then continued to say "No". Totally bizarre and I was thinking she was possibly mentally ill and then she approached the desk and talked normally to the woman there. She didn't sound mentally ill at all.

Today I walked out of the house and everything was normal until I later walked out with a jacket on over my shirt. It was just a blue and black herringbone kind of pattern and it seemed like it might get cold but I wasn't sure. So I walk out and it was like a grand parade, with all these people driving by in cars that were the same color as what I was wearing. The thing that was absolutely stupid, was that someone had some idea to tell all these people to drive by in blue cars. I mean, it's noticeable when it's that many, and then that color and the worst part was just the gaming of it. As if, because I grab a jacket when I was already wearing this combo before, when I only have a couple of items to choose from anyway, someone is psychic. It was common sense to think I would grab that jacket when it cooled down, because of what I was already wearing.

I think someone is frustrated that they are not getting very good reads on me, and what I'm thinking, anymore.

That might be because I asked God to start blocking things, just recently (won't say when). I guess someone could go with a hunch on just about anything, but no one is going to be able to interpret or know what I am praying about, or thinking about, or even make very good guesses because it is coming in differently now, and it will get more difficult to try to assume anything at all.

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